To go direct to Censorship press Censorship
The 27 chapters range on the Cuban side, from Military History, Cuban Postal Systems in and out of the Island, and Impact on Civilians; on the Spanish side, from Mail from Spanish Soldiers, Sailors, Military Posts, Military Hospitals and POW's, Spanish Patriotic Labels, Interrupted Mails, and Blockade Mail; and on the U.S. side from Mail from all the Military Camps in the United States, Patriotic Covers and Labels, Wartime Correspondence
Mail from American Soldiers, Sailors, Military Hospitals, Military Postal Stations in Cuba, their Postal Markings and Mail Categories, Military Camps in Cuba, Local Provisional Stamp Issues, Official Mail Envelopes, and the Postal Issues of 1899-1902. All three sides, Cuban, Spanish and American, are well covered; Postal Markings, Stamps, Labels, Maps, Documents, Photographs, Tables, etc. A detailed table of contents and a extensive index with listing: cities, army camps, ships, etc. 2019, 752 pages,1,600 illustrations, full color; cloth with DJ. Covers, bound in Buckram with gold stamping and a dust jacket. To a US mailing address $90.00 + $7.50 postage = $97.50
Philately of the Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 by Stephen G. Rich 1943, 226 pages, card, VF, enquire first, $145.00
The first compilation of mail of noncombatant civilians, diplomats, and Axis merchant seamen held by the U.S. government during World War II. To understand why political groups were incarcerated as well as their postal history, background on historical events of the war relating to the groups incarcerated is necessary. Specific historical facts are present to aid philatelists in finding relevant postal history.
Chapters include the postal history of the two diplomatic exchanges with Japan carried out by the mercy ship, M.S. Gripsholm, and of Japanese American soldiers, many of whom entered military service after their incarceration in relocation centers. Twenty four 24 tables provide data on camp locations and populations, postal rates, and other details of importance to collectors, including a table on these covers' scarcity. A CD contains three of the author's gold medal exhibits offering additional illustrations of internment camp mail.
2010, 234 + 13 pages with CD, cloth with dj, from the Collectors Club of Chicago, limited stock, $150.00
A Postal History of Refugees from the Nazis
with a forward by David Beech A collection of mail and history from W.W. II refugees, a most readable and moving study on this unfortunate period. It covers Refugee life in Britain, Internment Camps Worldwide, Refugee Life in China and Japan, Undercover Mail, etc. A philatelic book that gives much historic background. 2011, $35.00
by P. Clark Souers
This book is titled Version 2 and in my thoughts is not a good title, in essence it is a major expansion to the original 63 pages in 2017, it covers the same material.
An exceptional work on the common forgeries of the period, the stamps are real but the fakes are so common that the authentic ones are not fully appreciated. I have never paid any attention though i have accumulated a few for my forgery collections and now want to work them up, the stores and details of the stamps are most interesting. A labor of love by Clark and priced so the information will be distributed, he is now working on another volume that we hope will get out. 2019. 89 pages numerous full color with hundreds of details of stamps illustrations, quality paper, card bound, illustrated. in stock, $22.50
by Robert W. Jones
Mostly on the adhesive stamps including the booklets, some cancellations and background, all are illustrated in excellent color, uses the Michel catalog numbers, 2011, 304 + 12 pages, cloth, sold out
Civil Censorship in the United States During World War II by W.N. Broderick & Dann Mayo 1980, 110 pages, plastic spiral binding, sold out
The United States Post Office in World War II by Lawrence Sherman, LC 2001 131249, ISBN 0-916675-10-6
This book is based on the 1951 PO document titled A Wartime History of the Post Office Department with the addition of 300 illustrations and commentaries by today's postal historians.
Intercepted in Bermuda, The Censorship of Transatlantic Mail during the Second World War by Peter A. Flynn Bermuda was the main point for censorship of mail going by air or ship between the Americas and Europe. There is much history on the service with a listing of the arrival and departure of planes from May 1939 through December 1945. The data base recording over 7,900 covers has permitted a detailed listing of the markings and there usage, the tapes, examiners, earliest and latest usages by examiner number, etc. Another limited edition book from the Collectors Club of Chicago, 2006, 235 pages, cloth, enquire
A Postal History, Cancellation Study of the U.S. Pacific Islands (including the Trust Territories) by Robert T. Murphy A detailed study of the markings with good historical background.
France, Roosevelt, De Gaulle and the Posts by D. M. Giangreco The AMG story, Franco-American War Relations Viewed Through Their Effects on the French Postal System, 1942-1944. The background behind the RF overprints. 1988, 192 pages, card, 100 illustrations including covers, $17.50
Air Mail Operations During World War II, A Study of Routes, Rates and Markings by Thomas H. Boyle, Jr., American Air Mail Society Over 400 illustrations and 150 tables of rates and routes. 1998, 927+8 pages, card bound, $180.00
This new edition is in full cover and list over 11,060 cachets versus 9,660 in the first edition which sold out in several months.
New Chapters
This new edition is in full color, list over 11,060 cachets versus 9,660 in the first edition..
New Chapters
The United States Post Office in World War II by Dr. Dr. Lawrence Sherman
The 1951 PO document titled "A Wartime History of the Post Office Department" with the addition of 300 illustrations and commentaries by today's postal historians. 2002, 530 pages, cloth, limited stock, $75.00
The Transports by G.H. Davis The Airmail Transport series of 1941-44, all facets, stamp design, production, usage, rates and routes, over 200 photographs of stamps and covers. 1999, 231 pages, card, $28.00
History of Portuguese Military Postal Service, Colonial War from 1961-1974 by Eduardo & Luis Barreorps Well printed and in full color. The authors, Eduardo and Luis Barreiros grew up in a military family and are intimately knowledgeable about the subject and about the military which the postal service served. In Portuguese and English, 2005, 460 pages, and weighs almost 5 pounds. cloth with dj, only one copy available, $87.50, sold out
War Dates 1911-1950 by Theo Van Dam One line descriptions of important events by Country and Date for 138 countries, about 1,250 dates in all. A useful compilation. 1993, 80 pages, plastic spiral binding, $30.00
Military Mails at the Cape of Good Hope, 1795-1870 by Ken Baker 1985, 44 pages, card, a new study of considerable importance $15.00
The Royal Marines, Home and Abroad A Postal History 1664-1994 by Bob Swarbrick, Brief accounts of 91 events, illustrated with covers and letters, 2006, 162+ pages, some illustrations in color, card, published at £38.50 plus transit, $83.50
The Postal History of The Army of the Black Sea 1918-1923 by John Slingsby The Army of the Black Sea refers to the British occupation from Macedonia and Thrace through to the British Military Mission to South Russia, Turkey, Transcaucasia, and North Persia 2004, 234+16 pages, card, published at 30£ plus 9.95£ transit, US delivery $70.00
A Price Guide to U.S. APO Cancels of Second WW by J. Forte & R. Helbock A convenient pocket reference as to the locations, period and rarity. 1996, 140 pages, card $15.00
Mail of the Czechoslovak Legions in France by Jaroslav J. Verner
Am excellent coverage of the history and markings, WW I. Each page has two columns, one in English and the other in Czech, well printed, covers in full color. 2002, 84 pages, card, edition of 650 copies, $16.50
Imperial & Foreign Mails, Sea Conveyance During War 1914-1918 by G. Mark Covers the services and details mail lost by date and also by ship. 1997, 91 pages, card £20, $40.00
Prisoners of War in British Hands during WWI, A study of their history, the camps and their mails by Graham Mark, 2007, 258 pages, cloth, limited stock, $70.00
Prisoners of War, Internees and Refugees of World War II by Dr. H. F. and W. Stich A fine mix of philately and history. Pacific volume has a 10 page section giving pricing estimates. Well illustrated with markings, covers, maps.
Indian Military Air Letter Cards 1942-47 by O. R. J. Lee Published by the Forces Postal History Society in GB. 1985, 76 pages plus 21 plates, card, $27.50
The Echoes That Remain by Henry Schwab The philatelic story of the Nazi Persecution and the Holocaust. A fascinating book that presents the facts in a scholarly manner, 1992, 185 pages, cloth, out of print
Mail Service in the Ghetto Terezin 1941-1945 by Frantisek Benes and Patricia Tosnerova. A beautiful written and produced book, hard bound in paper case with slip case, in four languages including English. 1995, 344 pages with 15 color plates, $112.50, sold out
Postwar Years of Germany 1945-48, Postal History by Dr. H.F. & W. Stich An excellent work on the turmoil following the war, crammed with information. 1994, 272 pages, card, limited stock $65.00
Japanese Post Offices in China and Manchuria by John Mosher 1978, 225+ pages, cloth with dj, limited stock, $135.00
Norwegian Exile Mail 1940-1945 by Karl U. Sanne Postal History: markings, covers, usages, history and a bit on the PS. 1986, 219 pages, card, in English $17.50
Polish Exile Mail in Great Britain 1939-1949 by K.Kay & Ron Negus Covers the system operated by the Polish Government in Exile in London and it's maritime agencies, Polish and British field post offices and the undercover sending of mail via Portugal and other countries. 1999, 250 pages, card
Poland 1918 Locals by J. Barefoot The locals from about 1915 to about 1919, the stamps, stationery and postmarks with valuations and a forgery guide 1999, 92 pages, £10, $25.00
Russia, Catalog of Propaganda-Advertising Postal Cards of the U.S.S.R. 1927-1934 by G. V. Shalimoff and G. B. Shaw, edited by Jean R. Walton The book is English with translations of all Russian text on the postal cards into English. Limited edition with the printing to be set based on the advance orders. For additional information Russian Propaganda 2002, 300 pages, wire spiral binding, $70.00
Postal History of The Naval & R.A.F. Postal Services by Edward B. Proud 1993, 232 pages, cloth, $60.00
British Army Postal Service by Edward B. Proud
We are pleased to be able to stock the Chavril Press titles in the US at prices that are most favorable.
These small booklets have the essence of the subject. They do not contain the depth of the major studies but they do make fine quick references and introductions to the fields, in many cases they supply all that is wanted. Unless otherwise noted all are authored by C. R and A. M. Entwistle. They often contain a valuation guide.
Our friends in the UK should order direct from the publisher: Chavril Press, Glenfoot Cottage, Glenfoot, Abernethy, Perth, PH2 9LR.Scotland
The British Army Post Office in Conflict & Crisis Situations 1946 - 1982 by Charles Entwistle, comes complete with a 'Priced Checklist' for FPOs, 25 events are detailed however because of the size the Korean War and the protracted guerrilla wars in Cyprus, Malaya and Kenya are not covered, 2005, 36 pages, card, published £10.00 plus transit, $20.00
Undercover Addresses of World War II, Revised Edition, C. R and A. M. Entwistle. This work covers mailing addresses that permitted communication between the Axis powers and the Allies and also to conceal the identity and or location of those involved. Many things used such addresses such as the Box numbers for the Manhattan Project, addresses on mail from the Netherlands to Portugal to be sent to London, etc. etc.
A Priced Catalog of British Army & Field Post Offices by C. R and A. M. Entwistle Laid out by APO/FPO numbers giving the theater of operation and dates
A Priced Checklist of Indian Base & Field PO 1914-1924 Massive, Indian troops were used in Aden, Dardeanelles, East Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Transjordan, Syria, France, Belgium, Mesopotamia, etc. 1999, 20 pages, card, UK £6.00, $12.50
British Empire Civil Censorship Devices, World War II, Trinidad and Tobago by Wike Development and organization of the censor stations, the markings, labels, seals, permits, instructional markings and security devices, also covers censor numbers allocated to Jamaica and Bermuda. 1994, 80 pages, card, UK £15.00, $30.00
Hospital Barges in France- Correspondence from a nursing Sister, with the British Expeditionary Force, during World War 1 by P.L. High. 1993, 20 pages, card, a fine little bit of history, UK £3.50, $7.00
The Mail of the A.E.F, Amercian Expeditionary Forces 1917-1921, by Hennen M. Sanford, 1940, APS handbook, 1956 pages, cloth, $47.50
History of the RAF Postal Service Overseas 1942-1957 by W. Garrard
French Somali Coast, Postal History 1939-45 by A. R. Torrance 1992, 24 pages, card UK £5.50, $13.00
Censorship in the Royal Air Force 1918 to 1956 by N. Colley and W. Garrard Mostly WW2, 62 types by design, arranged by geographic and recorded period, also covers RAF mail not handled by the Army PS, historic background, 1500 censors recorded by country, partial cross index, rarity factors. 1993, 76 pages, large format, card, UK £17.50, $37.50
For other titles related to AIR please see the various Edward B Proud titles under Specialty Philatelic Presses
Describes and illustrating over 575 Naval censor markings, The Collectors Club of Chicago, 2021, 334 pages, cloth, $79.95
Civil Censorship Group Italy Postal Manual, 1 December 1944 by the Civil Censorship Study Group
A reprint of the Postal Manual for use of Allied Censor Control Offices. 2008, reprint of 1944 publication, in English, circa 90 pages, spiral wire bound, sold out
British Censorship of Civil Mails During World War I by Graham Mark A fascinating study, evidently even Picture Postcards to a Neutral Country were returned if they did not have a return address and there were special markings!
World War I in East Africa: Civil Censorship by Regis Hoffman from the Chavril Press, 2001, 24 pages, card, £6.50, $13.00, sold out we think
Censorship of International Civilian Mail During World War II by Steven M. Roth The History, Structure and Operation of the US Office of Censorship. A superb study of the system and operation, some markings are illustrated. 1991, 104 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 6, sold out
The Postal History of the AEF, 1917-1923 by Theo. Van Dam For the first time we are pleased to add the second edition of Theo. Van Dam's fine AEF book to stock. A significant expansion of the 1980 edition covering Western Europe, Russia, Siberia, Marines, Censorship, Milan, patriotic, valuations.
Civil Censorship in Australia & Dependencies 1939-1945 by J. C. Smith 1991, 48 pages, card, UK £8.50, $17.00
Cameroons - Facets Covering Postal Censorship in Wartime, 1939-1945 by R. J. Maddocks, Cause and Effect of Postal Censorship 1989, card, Cockrill Booklet 58, $17.00
1996 Congress Book, #62 Contains a 17 page article Postal Censorship and Control in Cameroons During World War II by M. P. Bratzel, Jr 1996, 216 pages, cloth, $35.00
Postal History of the Cayman Islands by Giraldi and McCann From the first PO in 1889 and the adhesive stamps in 1900 to the 1980's, markings and stamps, revenue, censorship, etc. etc. 1989, 184 pages, cloth $65.00
Catalogue of Postmarks in Use During the German Occupation, 1914-1918 by Willy Van Riet 1982, 138 pages, cloth, in English, French & German $25.00
Belgium, La Poste Belge Durant la Guerre de 1914-1919 by René Silverberg Belgian civil postal system and stamps during WW I. 1976, 122 pages, 88 illustrations, card, in French $15.00
Censure et Postes Militaires Belges 1914-1929 by René Silverberg All aspects of the Belgium Army Post and Censoring systems 1982, 2nd edition, 159 pages, 138 illustrations, cloth, in French $22.50
Les Chevaliers du timbre (De Ridders van de postzegel) The German invasions of Belgium, 1985, 116 + pages, in limp binder, in French, $27.50
British Empire Civil Censorship Devices, World War II, Trinidad and Tobago by Wike Development and organization of the censor stations, the markings, labels, seals, permits, instructional markings and security devices, also covers censor numbers allocated to Jamaica and Bermuda. 1994, 80 pages, card, UK £15.00, $30.00
Censorship in the Royal Air Force 1918 to 1956 by N. Colley and W. Garrard Mostly WW2, 62 types by design, arranged by geographic and recorded period, also covers RAF mail not handled by the Army PS, historic background, 1500 censors recorded by country, partial cross index, rarity factors. 1993, 76 pages, large format, card, UK £17.50, $32.50
A Catalogue of Indian Censorship 1914-1920 by Alan Baker Covers both Civil and also Prisoner of War and Internee censorship Over 100 censor markings are illustrated complete with scarcity guide. 1994, 32 pages, card, UK £10.00, $20.00
India, Postal Censorship in India, 1939 - 1945 by D. S. Virk 1983, 38 pages, card, operation, markings and stations, $25.00, enquire
Postal Censorship in Barbados during the first and second world Wars by Shepherd, 1984, 32 pages, card, enquire first, $15.00, sold out