Philatelic Bibliopole

Leonard H. Hartmann

Postal Markings

This section is devoted to books on cover collecting that emphasize the markings and the covers. They range from the general to the highly specialized. Each is considered to be a major contribution to the hobby and of value to the collector and student.

Ocean Penny Postage


David Duncan Turner

Ocean and Imperial Penny Postage 1840-1918 Elihu Burritt to Sir John Henniker Heaton: a Maritime Social Philatelic Case Study

It the covers many if not all phases and countries world wide, the Ocean Penny Postage started before the Uniform Penny Postage with numerous illustrated covers.From the US Barnaby Bates and the Cheep Postage Association through many countries with many being British and the colonies, the numerous advertising envelopes are well covered, over 500 covers are illustrated. Desite the quality the edition was only 200 copies, 2014, 414+ 16+16 pages, large format, archival rated paper, full color, cloth with dj, limited stock, $120.00

The Mail of the A.E.F, Amercian Expeditionary Forces 1917-1921, by Hennen M. Sanford, 1940, APS handbook, 1956 pages, cloth, $47.50

The Postal History of the Spanish-Cuban American War

by Yamil H. Kouri Jr.

The philatelic aspect on all sides of the war with much related pertinent history.

The 27 chapters range on the Cuban side, from Military History, Cuban Postal Systems in and out of the Island, and Impact on Civilians; on the Spanish side, from Mail from Spanish Soldiers, Sailors, Military Posts, Military Hospitals and POW's, Spanish Patriotic Labels, Interrupted Mails, and Blockade Mail; and on the U.S. side from Mail from all the Military Camps in the United States, Patriotic Covers and Labels, Wartime Correspondence

Mail from American Soldiers, Sailors, Military Hospitals, Military Postal Stations in Cuba, their Postal Markings and Mail Categories, Military Camps in Cuba, Local Provisional Stamp Issues, Official Mail Envelopes, and the Postal Issues of 1899-1902. All three sides, Cuban, Spanish and American, are well covered; Postal Markings, Stamps, Labels, Maps, Documents, Photographs, Tables, etc. A detailed table of contents and a extensive index with listing: cities, army camps, ships, etc. 2019, 752 pages,1,600 illustrations, full color; cloth with DJ. Covers, bound in Buckram with gold stamping and a dust jacket. To a US mailing address $90.00 + $7.50 postage = $97.50

Alaska, Postmarks of Territorial Alaska, Fourth, Revised Edition by Michael Senta M.D. This is the 4th edition however the first since Bill Helbock published the 3rd in 1986, 11 towns with no previous recorded postmarks, 364 new town types and 1,659 changes in earliest and or latest known usages, the maps, etc. from the 3rd edition are not included. 2020, 186 pages, spiral binding, $42.00

The Western Express Companies, Their Franks and Hand Stamps

by Oscar Thomas

The only comprehensive coverage of the subject, Included with each set of books is a DVD with over 4500 scans of western covers, 2013, two volumes, 900, full color, cloth, edition of 300 copies, $250.00

  • 2013, 1st edition, 2 volumes, 900 pages, full color, with a DVD having 4500 scans, cloth, $250.00, sold
  • 2017, 2nd edition, only as a DVD, $50.00
  • 2020, 3rd edition, 2 volumes, 1097 pages, full color, paper case binding, $200.00 2021, 4th edition, only as a DVD

    Aspects of American Postal History
    edited by Peter Martin

    A compilation of new interesting postal history articles from the 1860s to date by a number of most respected authors, 2017, 234 pages,cloth, $70.00

    Insight into U.S. Postal History, 1855-2016

    by Anthony S. Wawrukiewicz

    This book covers an extremely wide range of US postal services and markings; packed with a surprising amount of information. Of definite value to anyone collecting U.S. covers from the 19th century through the start of the 21st. 2016, 234+6 pages, cloth, well illustrated and in full color, $50.00

    Mails of the Westward Expansion, 1803 to 1861

    by Steven C. Walske and Richard C. Frajola

    A superb book, we did not stock this book as it was offered exclusively by the Western Cover Society and there was no discount thus we assumed all interested would buy direct, as far as we know it was never sold for the $45.00 price the bad code on the back cover indicates, we have heard printings from 100 to 200 copies, 2015, 311+6 pages, hard bound, enquire

    American Illustrated Cover Catalog

    by John R. Biddle

    Advertising covers from 1850 to 1930, 2300 illustrations mostly in full color A useful and extremely attractive work. The Tale of the Kicking Mule by Lee H. Cornell, 1949, 63 pages, card, autographed, $45.00, no autograph $40.00, enquire first

    The New Haven Beehive by Arthur J. Warmsley 1982, 28 pages, card, interesting story, well printed $17.50

    Doane - Thompson Catalog of US County & Postmaster Postmarks by K. Gilman Markings containing the County name or the Postmaster's name, mostly 1880's. A fine continuation of the earlier works with hundreds of additions, 4,500+ listings 1990, 238 pages, cloth, $52.50 1990, 238 pages, card, $25.00

    U.S. County and Postmaster Postmarks by Edith R. Doane

    Encyclopedia of R.F.D. Cancels by Harold E. Richow

    County System of R.F.D. Dec 20, 1899-June 30, 1903 by Edith Doane A fine study covering the first experimental service. 1977, 199 pages, cloth $28.50

    United States Doanes, 2nd edition

    United States Doanes by R. W. Helbock and Gary Anderson. The major book on the rubber handstamps issued by the POD to thousands of small office, mostly between 1903 and 1906, lists nearly 23,000 Doane Cancels, a scarcity rating system, more than twice the listings of the previous edition in 1993. The Marking Story, A History of Marking & Marking Devices and of the Marking Industry in North AMerica, by Karen Rivard & Thomas H. Brinkmann, 1968, 104+ pages, plastic ring binding, $22.50, sold

    Doanes by Richard W. Helbock The work prior to the above, a priced catalogs listing 100's of these handstamped rubber markings, named for Edith Doane,

    U.S. Parcel Post, A History by Henry M. Gobie A fine book on both the stamps and postal history. 1979, 256 pages, paper case binding, limited stock, $50.00

    The Speedy, A History of U.S. Special Delivery Service by Henry M. Gobie. 1976, 296 pages, paper case binding, limited stock, $70.00

    Walter D. Wesson's "Time on Bottom" Duplex Hand Cancelers by Theodore Bozarth and Russell Hanmer 1990, 48 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 5, $12.00

    Charlemagne Tower: American Entrepreneur by Robert G. Metcalf Postal Relics of a 19th Century Business Career. A 33 page article in the 1989 APC book, 187 pages, cloth $22.50

    Loso and deWindt's 20th Century United States Fancy Cancellations Revised by H. R. Fishback and W. C. Walker

    Birth and Development of American Postcards

    The Birth and Development of American Postcards: A Historical Catalog and Price Guide to U.S. Pioneer Postcards by Daniel Friedman, Am enjoyable and useful work on the first Postcards, reviewed by Richard Graham in Linn's, March 22, 2004, 380 pages, card, $43.95

    Postmarks on Postcards, An Illustrated Guide to Early 20th Century U.S. Postmarks by Richard W. Helbock US postmarks and cover collecting for the 1900 - 1920 period, Detailing the various marking types, their use and some indication of collector interest.

    Prexie Postal History by Richard W. Helbock 1938 Presidential Series, postal history including overseas airmail 1988, 100 pages, card $20.00

    Labor Struggle in the Post Office from Selective Lobbying to Collective Bargaining by John Walsh and Garth Mangum 1992, 271 pages, cloth with dj, limited stock, a few remaining, $25.00

    Postal Markings of the Canal Zone by Lawson P. Entwistle Each marking is detailed and illustrated, marking devices are shown, a plastic angular gauge is provided giving 10° spacing to measure markings. 1982, 1st edition, 262 pages, card, limited stock, $10.00 1992, 2nd edition, 328 pages, card, $20.00

    An English edition is now out!

    Stars, Stripes & Ice

    Drifting stations, icebreakers, submarines and Article land stations in their mail history by Franco Giardini, Frederico Masnari and Enrico Garrou.

    An excellent book on the Polar Postal History, 69 illustrations in color, 46 in black and white 25 paintings etc. photographs, 11 maps, others 336, in all 476 illustrations. Well reviewed in the Collectors club Philatelist this year based on the Italian edition.

    The Post Office Seals of the United States and Possessions by Jim Kotanchik

    An excellent new work covering all aspects of the subject of officially sealed, far more than just a priced catalog, a fine history. Besides US it covers the possessions ; Ryukyu, Philippine, Canal Zone The book covers far more than the common "Opened by Mistake" concept.

    The Post Office Seals of the United States, Vol. One, The Regular Issues by Adam Perkal and Seymour Kazman Covers regular seals from 1872, complete with catalog and pricing guide. 1984, 160 pages, 100 illustrations, cloth sewn signatures, $45.00

    Seaposts of the USA by Roger Hosking

    2008, 84 pages, full color, card, $55.00


    Machine Cancels - APOs in World War II

    by Bart Billings, Russ Carter, Bob Payne, and Reg Morris, a catalog of all known machine postal markings listing the APOs and illustrating and pricing the cancels. 2006, 2 volumes, $65.00, sold

    United States Promotional Slogan Cancellations 1899-1940 dedicated to Robert J. Payne by Bart Billings Vol 1 contains the Slogan Listing from A (Address Detroit Mail) to N (National Export) and Vol 2 finishes the listing and also has a section on the Philippine slogans. 2006, 2nd printing, 2 volumes, 398 pages 1.000+ illustrations, tape bound with acetate cover overlay, $52.50, sold

    A Price Guide to U.S. APO Cancels of Second WW by J. Forte & R. Helbock A convenient pocket reference as to the locations, period and rarity. 1996, 140 pages, card $16.00

    War Dates by Theo Van Dam, War Dates 1911-1950 One line descriptions of important events by Country and Date for 138 countries, about 1,250 dates in all. A useful compilation. 1993, 80 pages, plastic spiral binding $19.50

    Beyond War Dates and More! 1911-1950 by Theo Van Dam A companion volume to War Dates, expanding and correcting, some maps 1994, 90 pages, plastic spiral binding, out of print

    The Postal History of the AEF, 1917-1923 by Theo. Van Dam For the first time we are pleased to add the second edition of Theo. Van Dam's fine AEF book to stock. A significant expansion of the 1980 edition covering Western Europe, Russia, Siberia, Marines, Censorship, Milan, patriotic, valuations.

    U.S. Forces During World War II by Stanley C. Jersey

    The United States Post Offices in China and Japan 1867-1874

    Richard C. Frajola, Michael Perlman and Lee Scamp

    From the Collectors Club of New York but from Richard Frajola, his best work to date. 2006, 256 pages, color, cloth, the CCNY raised the price a few weeks after it appeared, $65.00

    US Postal Agency in Shanghai, China 1867 to 1922, Geroge Fisher, Richard C. Frajola, Confidential Bid Auction #1, March 21, 1998, $45.00

    The Suspension of United States Mail to Switzerland 1942 to 1944/1945 by Charles J. LaBlonde, This also has much good Canadian information and illustrates some Canadian covers, 2006, 84 pages, spiral bound

    World War II Mail from Switzerland to Great Britain, Canada and the USA - A Postal History Handbook by Charles J. LaBlonde, 2003, 222 pages with 231 illustrations, spiral bound, out of print but we have a small stock

    The Postal History of the World War II Mail Between New Zealand and Switzerland by Robin Startup and Charles LaBlonde, Contains much GB Archive material, as well as NZ, Swiss and Red Cross archival, extensive bibliography, 2005, 130 pages, card, $27.50

    Roosevelt, De Gaulle and the Posts by D. M. Giangreco Franco-American War Relations Viewed Through Their Effects on the French Postal System, 1942-1944. The background behind the RF overprints. 1988, 192 pages, card, 100 illustrations including covers $15.00

    Postal History of American POW's: World War II, Korea, Vietnam by Norman Gruenzner, A fine companion volume to the above. 1979, 138 pages, one page corrigenda, paper case, $26.50

    Censorship of International Civilian Mail During World War II by Steven M. Roth The History, Structure and Operation of the US Office of Censorship. A superb study of the system and operation, some markings are illustrated. 1991, 104 pages, card, La Posta Monograph Vol. 6, $45.00, sold out but enquire

    A Postal History, Cancellation Study of the U.S. Pacific Islands (including the Trust Territories) by Robert T. Murphy A detailed study of the markings with good historical background.

    The United States Post Office in World War II

    by Lawrence Sherman

    The 1951 PO document titled "A Wartime History of the Post Office Department" with the addition of 300 illustrations and commentaries by today's postal historians. Another Collectors Club of Chicago title to go out of print quickly and this is again a quite limited edition, it will go out of print quickly. 2002, 530 pages, cloth, $75.00

    United States Patriotic Envelopes of World War II


    Lawrence Sherman

    This new edition is in full cover and list over 11,060 cachets versus 9,660 in the first edition

    New Chapters

    2006, 428 pages, full color, we expect to have copies the week of May 8th, $75.00

    Passed By Army Censor By Richard W. Helbock, A catalog of censor markings used on mail from American soldiers and War Department civilians assigned overseas in 1941 and 1942. There are 18 chapters in all and they are organized chronologically and geographically. All Army operations throughout the world are covered. The last chapter deals with Operation Torch (the invasion of North Africa) which involved nearly 200 thousand servicemen and was a turning point in the war in Europe. Well illustrated with covers and markings. 2006, 256p, cloth, $75.00

    Street Car

    Street Car R.P.O. Series by the Mobile Post Office Society The Postal History of the AEF, 1917-1923 by Theo. Van Dam For the first time we are pleased to add the second edition of Theo. Van Dam's fine AEF book to stock. A significant expansion of the 1980 edition covering

    Street Car

    Street Car R.P.O. Series by the Mobile Post Office Society The Postal History of the AEF, 1917-1923 by Theo. Van Dam For the first time we are pleased to add the second edition of Theo. Van Dam's fine AEF book to stock. A significant expansion of the 1980 edition covering Western Europe, Russia, Siberia, Marines, Censorship, Milan, patriotic, valuations. Civil and Military Censorship During World War II by Dr. H.F. & W. Stich and J. Specht Covers Europe, America, Asia and Africa, illustrated with 1,111 censor marks and labels, 10 maps and 11 tables, bibliography. 1993, 275 pages, card, out of print, sold out Western Europe, Russia, Siberia, Marines, Censorship, Milan, patriotic, valuations. Civil and Military Censorship During World War II by Dr. H.F. & W. Stich and J. Specht Covers Europe, America, Asia and Africa, illustrated with 1,111 censor marks and labels, 10 maps and 11 tables, bibliography. 1993, 275 pages, card, out of print, sold out

    Intercepted in Bermuda, The Censorship of Transatlantic Mail during the Second World War by Peter A. Flynn Bermuda was the main point for censorship of mail going by air or ship between the Americas and Europe. There is much history on the service with a listing of the arrival and departure of planes from May 1939 through December 1945. The data base recording over 7,900 covers has permitted a detailed listing of the markings and there usage, the tapes, examiners, earliest and latest usages by examiner number, etc. Another limited edition book from the Collectors Club of Chicago, 2006, 235 pages, cloth, sold

    Undercover Addresses of World War II, Revised Edition, C. R and A. M. Entwistle. This work covers mailing addresses that permitted communication between the Axis powers and the Allies and also to conceal the identity and or location of those involved. Many things used such addresses such as the Box numbers for the Manhattan Project, addresses on mail from the Netherlands to Portugal to be sent to London, etc. etc.

    Official Seals of the World

    by James N. Drummond

    The numerous Post Office Seals and Tapes used in over 150 countries, to re-seal and repair covers, most seals have a monetary evaluation, in a number of cases both for on and off cover examples, 648 pages, full color, edition of 100 copies but we hope this is an error on our part, card, sold


    A Collector's Guide to U.S. Machine Postmarks 1871-1925 by R. F. Hanmer Well illustrated and well organized, tremendously better than the previous editions. Most useful however we must fault this work for not having written description of the marking types, you must decide which type is which based only on the illustrations.

    Handbook, US Postal Markings Impressed by Machine by Bart Billings, 1991, about 80 pages, plastic $12.50

    US Classic Machine Cancels 1871-1991 by Bob Payne, 1995, two volumes. 394 pages, plastic, $60.00

    George Ezra Barnard Patents and Applications by Bart Billings, ie. Machine Cancels, 1989, 20 pages, plastic, $11.00

    International Service Markings, 1889-1980, 70 pages, plastic, 1999, $20.00, sold

    Potter and Vail, The Machines and Postal Markings attributed to Gideon Potter and Edward M. Vail by Jack Hilbing, 1998, 82 + 4 + 10 pages, plastic, $15.00

    First Day and Early Use, Boston Flag Cancellations, Oct - Dec 1894, by Samuel Ockun, 2000, 16 pages, plastic, $12.50

    An Introduction to US Flats Machine Cancels by John R. Becker III, 1996, 40 pages, plastic, $16.50

    The Time Marking Machine Co. and the B.F. Cummins Co by Louis Geschwinder, Reg Morris and John Koontz, 1982, about 60 pages, plastic $20.00, sold

    Anthology of Machine Postal Markings

    Barry Machine Cancels by Eugene M. Funk & Arthur H. Bond,

    Barry Story, by Reg Morris & Robert J. Payne, 3 volumes, 1988-1989, perfect bound with limp vinyl covers, $120.00, sold

    The Potter and Vail Machine Cancels by Jack Hilbing Experimental machines used from 1896 through 1900 in Kewanee, Galesbury, Canton and Chicago, all in Illinois. 1987, 71 pages, card $15.00 Flag Cancel Encyclopedia by Frederick Langford, 2008, 160 pages + 3 pages, $80.00, enquire

    Development and Use of Flag Cancellations 1894-1941 by Robert Payne, 2001, 464 pages, plastic $55.00

    Flag Cancel Society, A Compendium, Cacheted Covers with Flag Cancellations, 2nd ed, 1984, 41 pages, plastic, $10.00

    Same Year Use of Different Flag Cancellation Dies by Bart Billings, 1991, 134 pages, plastic $16.50

    Groth-Constantine Machine and Postal Markings by Reg Morris & Robert J. Payne, 1989, 95 + 6 pages, plastic $22.50

    United States Postal Slogan Cancel Catalog by Moe Luff, revised 1975 edition, 128 pages, plastic, $10.00

    Doremus Machine Cancels by Frederick Langford,

    Thomas Leavitt, His History and Postal Markings, 1875-1892 by Robert J. Payne, The first machine cancellation, used in 29 cities with major usages in Boston and New York, about 375 illustrations, 2000, 342 pages, cloth, $47.50

    Leavitt Machine Cancellations by Frank B. Stratton, 1976, 48 pages, card, used $12.50, new $21.50

    American Machine Cancels by Reg Morris,

    The Multipost Company, History, Machine and Markings by Reg Morris, Robert Payne & Timothy B. Holmes, 1997, 92 pages, plastic $22.50

    One Number System for Boson, by Bart Billings, 1994, 69 + 6 page addenda, plastic $14.50

    Introduction to Florida Machine Cancels by Bart Billings, 1989, 14 pages, stapled, $10.000

    Universal Stamping Machine Co. Machines & Postal Markings 1909-1920, 1988, about 200 pages, $25.00, sold

    Rapid Canceling Machines, Manufacturers and Impressions by K.F. & V.LM Olson, Handbook No. 1, 1946, 31 pages, card, $12.50

    International Machine Cancels 1888 to 1910 by Arthur H. Bond, 1974, 48 pages, plastic, 17.50, sold

    Les Oblitératins Mécaniques de Belgique de 1905 a 1920 by René Silverberg Belgium Machine cancellations, well illustrated, 1988, 125 pages, card, French $22.50

    Early German Machines, Part 1 - "Fisher and Maas" by Reg Morris, 1979, $11.50

    From Hinrichsen to Krag: the Experimental and Early Machine Postmarks of Germany (1866 until 1906), Handbook and Catalog by Jerry H. Miller 2008, 152 Pages, Over 225 Colored Illustrations, English and German Text, cloth, limited edition, $68.00


    The International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog by Joel A. Hawkins & Richard Stambaugh, For details see: Meters, 2005, 1240 pages, card, UK - Continent price is £65 or €95, US delivery $96.00, enquire first


    The Postal Markings and Postal History of The Forwarding Agents by Ken Rowe The 1996 edition is a complete updating containing 400 changes in listings and 1,200 new agents, 80 more cities. We have a search file to find agents if you do not know the city or the marking is incomplete, it is on the INTERNET through our home page at or on a disk with the book. The 1984 edition contains a listing by 1st surname which is not in the 1996 one as it is replaced by the computer. For more information on the Forwarding Agents The introductory material and illustrations for the 1984 and 1996 editions are completely different thus one may well want both.

    The Development of European Forwarding Agents by Patrick Frost The Corsini and Venturini archive finds, not in 1984 Rowe FA book. 1987, 16 pages, self cover, $15.00

    Historical Letters to Gratious Street, London 1570 - 1601 by Robson Lowe Letters are from all over Europe, 3rd find of the Corsini correspondence. A readable and enjoyable account, good historical background. 1988, 44 pages, card, $22.50

    London Coffee Houses by Bryant Lillywhite, 1963, 858 pages, cloth with dj, $235.00, sold

    Four Important Exchange Offices

    handling world's international postal relations during the 19th Century

    by James Van der Linden Covers, Panama, Alexandria, Aachen & Trieste, 2016, 72 pages, 7 maps 80 covers, cloth, full color, limited edition, sold

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