Article on Sylvester Copy Auctions to appear in the PLR

The Fathers of Philately
Inscribed on the roll of Distinguished Philatelist
by Brian J. Birch
A detailed and most readable study of 42 of the major founders of philately living between 1844 to 1919, the best such work that we know of, with detailed citations to references, published by the RPSL in 2019, 300 pages, full color, cloth with a dj, limited stock $135.00
A Century of Notices to the Public 1782-1880
compiled by
Paul Wijnants
The major value of this set is the index, it is by 1,500 keywords, and each gives the year and location in the books of the Notices. The bracketed year and the notice gives you the key to the issue and with this you can go to other reference. Of the 4 volumes one volume is devoted to the index, It covers UK notices but on World Wide mail to most countries, as an example Via Panama has 33 notices from 1841 to 1878. The Index, Vol 1, measures 8.5x12 inches and vol 2-4 are each 12 x 17, these notices are full size. Edition of 75 sets with our alocation being 7 sets.
2021, 4 large volumes, about 35 lbs, total of 1,780 pages, $675.00 plus actual transit, enquire first, one sets available
Sample of an index page, extremely detail
Dr. Paul Singer & the History of Shanahan Auctions.
Five Years to the Top of the World and a Deep Fall
by Wolfgang Maassen.
A new book that will rival in interest and utility to the recent books on Ferrari and Fabergé.
Singer appeared in Dublin in 1954, he turned a small auction company, Shanahan, into the world's largest stamp auction house. He attracted tens of thousands of customers from all over the world, offered investment opportunities, everyone was to increase their money invested in stamps very short time. With the first "Millionaire" auction in November 1958, he held a legendary party; 200 bottles champagne, Russian caviar, and over 200 guests.
In 1959, Singer & Shanahan acquired the world's largest stamp collection, Maurice Burrus. In May, 1959, his success abruptly ended: The stamps for sale of the announced "Mystery Collection", a unique collection of Lombardy Veneto, was stolen, the auction for the 5-year anniversary of the company was cancelled. This was followed by the longest and most expensive trials in the history of Ireland.
2019, 187 pages, full color and cloth, limited edition, $59.00
Doctor of Millions by Seanus Brady The story of Dr. Paul Singer, the rise and fall of the Shanahans Stamp Auction of Dublin that tried to rise too high with the Maurice Burrus collection, 1965, 176 pages, card, $45.00, enquire first
The Journal of the Philatelic Literature-Society 1908-1918 reprinted by Wolfgang Maassen, 2019, 2 volumes, 991 pages, cloth, edition of 40 copies, $400.00, sold out
David Beech has just written a new book Libraries & Philatelic Research, A Guide to Philatelic Research a The British Library. The 3rd Q PLR page 201 has an excellent review, however there are two errors, it is not hardbound and it is not in color and b&w, David confirmed there are not two versions. This booklet is intended to a guide to what is in the British Library however many details are of interest such as the list of 78 philatelic collection with the name of the person that formed them. 2019, 50 pages, card, 2019, $12.00
Agathon Fabergé
Portrait of A Philatleist
by Kaj Hellman & Jeffrey C. Stone
Comparable with the Ferrari book however it has more on the stamps and less of the biography. An excellent overview of his many collection with considerable detail on many, even some plating drawings. In English 382 pages, color, cloth, published at 50 euro plus transit, an excellent review is in the March-April 2018 issue of The Collectors Club Philatelist, $95, sold out
The Mysterious Philippe De Ferrari
Collector, Philatelist and Philanthropist
by Wolfgang Maassen
Completely text in English and French with each paragraph side by side. A book to be read, and not just to savor images of the rarities. Ferrari was a true collector and not just after the rarities. In trying to help a friend identifying missing items i ran into a Confederate pair of the 10c litho, i remember it selling perhaps five years ago for under $500.00, wish i bought it, a nice item and a nice attribution. Ferrari like Caspary, wanted the rarities but also had a good eye for lesser items.
Another tribute to the Club de Monte-Carlo, 398 pages, large format, quality paper and illustrations, full color, cloth with dust jacket, published at 60 Euro, released at MonacoPhil 2017, Nov 29, 2017, $135.00, enquire before ordering
The M. Ferrari De La Renotiere Auction Catalogues
With the G.S.F. Napier index and prices realized, Hind is listed as a subscriber, All sales No. 1-14 with plates, 1921-1924, extensive annotated in pencil. The 3rd sale, April 5-7, 1922, lot 295, the One Cent Magenta and annotated as for Hind. The catalogs appears to have been also been used by Alvin Good with a listing of bidding in his hand, Alvin was George Worthingham's curator. After Worthingham's death Alvin became associated with Hind. The 12th sale, April 22-24th, 1925, has a French tax form with adhesive revenue tax stamp for Arthur Hind purchases at that sale, the tax value and the realizations agree, see our web site for a part image of this form (the later 1929 sale is not included) bound in quality full leather as three volumes, hubbed spine with gold stamping, the pages show use as would be expected, $3,750.00, sold
Die Ferrary-Auktionen, Paris 1921-1925 and Zurich 1929
1987 repring of all sales, cloth bound, one available, enquire
Intimate Philatelic Interviews by Dr. Stanley M. Bierman
We now have Dr.Stanley M. Bierman DVD's, in stock, 19 interviews with noted philatelic people between 1984 and 1998 are recorded, each on a DVD. They are in color with sound, project well and can be played on a PC. Well presented in a small album in a folding box. The DVDs were produced by APRL and market for $175. We are pleased to offer at the same price, $175.00
The World's Greatest Stamp Collectors by Dr. Stanley M. Bierman
- 1981, published by Fells, 312 pages, paper boards with dj, limited stock, $27.50
- 1990, published by Linn's, revised edition of 1981 book, 384 pages, card, $18.50
More of the World's Greatest Stamp Collectors by Dr. Stanley M. Bierman
- 1990, published by Linn's, 304 pages, card, $18.50
- Both books, card with slip case, enquire first, $47.50, sold out
- Both books, 1990 edition, cloth bound with slip case, enquire first, $70.00, sold out
Club de Monte-Carlo 2013
Milestones of the Philatelic Literature
of the 19th Century
by Wolfgang Massen and Vincent Schouberechts
This book was published by the Club de Monte-Carlo for the 2013 exhibit. An exceptional work on the early and major philatelic literature, the books, authors and publishers, with an emphasis on the early works dealing with forgers and forgeries. It is both detailed, authoritative and enjoyable to read.The only comparable study to date is the Crawford Index and the series by Dr.Manfred Amrehein. I consider it an exceptional work and not hurt too much by my small contribution. In English and French, full color, 512 pages, large format, limited stock, $180.00 plus our standard $5 part postage, for foreign plus actual postage.
Milestones, there is now a 200 page supplement that was available to download at no cost. This Supplement has about 20 pages of new material in English, the rest is the text of the book in German, the illustrations are not reproduced. About 35 copies were printed and bound for those involved with the original book and for libraries, none are available.
"Caveat Emptor" The Life and Works of S. Allan Taylor by Jan Kindler
The best work to date on SAT, Philatelic Literature Review
Second Series, Vol 15, No. 2, whole number 51, pages 58-88, rarely available
A Catalogue for Advanced Collectors by Henry Collin and Hanry L. Calman
Scott Stamp and Coin Company, 1901
Text with catalog pictures printed
- Old Leather, with title Page Volume I, Copyright pages, pages 5 Afghanistand to 1349 Zulaland, bound as one volume, cloth with leather spine and corners, page ends marbeled, should be re-bound, $450.00, enquire
Cloth Binding, Complete Text, pages 1-1,349, bound in two cloth volumes, probably normal binding
- Vol 1, pages 5, Afghanistand to 690 Roumania
- Vol 2, pages 691, Russia to 1349, Zuland, including US & CSA pages 1061-1266
- Paper in excellent condition for the age, binding usable, $450.00, enquire
Beautiful old half leather binding, black, hubbed, two volumes, a deluxe binding
Pages 395 - 1,349, Parts 7 - 14
- Vol 1, not present
- Vol 2, parts 7 - 10, pages, 395, Jamaica to 828 Rossia
- Vol 3, parts 11 - 14, pages, 829, St Christopher to 1349, Zuland
- Probably publisher's binding $375.00 enquire
Individual Parts, loose, no binding
- Parts 13, pages 1061-1266, US & CSA, paper wraps as issued, $175.00, sold
- Vol III - Plates. on spine as leather label, also Catalog For Advanced Collectors, no title page, blue cloth,
- first page Afghanistan, last page Roumania, all pages thin and glossy. one exception one Columbia, Tolima on thin pink paper,
- all printing in black, 8.5x11 inches
- First Book Front Cover, "Collin & Calman's Catalog of Postage Stamps Plates", red cloth
- Letter bound in "To Subscribers to The Catalogue For Advanced collectors................. Scott Stamp & Coin Co., Ld"
- No title page,
- List of Illustrations, Columbian to Roumania giving the number of sheets
- Plates, mostly colored but some black & white, glaved paper, the US are not present or listed on letter
- Second Book, Front cover, "Collin & Calman's Catalog of Postage Stamps Plates", red cloth
- Title Page Vol II, Plates, first Roumania, last US Postmaster Provisionals, mix of black & white, color, surfaced paper, not
- surfaced
Dictionary of English and Italian Philatelic Terms by Roy Dehn, 2004, 91 pages, card, it works in both directions, $32.50
Put A Stamp on It!
by Herman Herst, Jr.
forward by
Kenneth Herst
Seventy five of Pat's stories, always enjoyable to read and re-read, might even learn something. Pat loved a good story and did not let facts interfere too much, they are all based mostly on facts. From my memory i recall a 1869 invent was promoted as a new find as such created more buyer interest but in reality it had been in dealer's hands for some time. Of the 77 stories most are printed for the first time but some were reprinted from Pat's previous works. I find Chapters 24, Anonymous Philatelic Writers of real interest. 2016, 354 + 8 pages, card $16.99
Sweden in Philately 1920
Up To 1920
edited by Jonas Hällström
A companion volume by the Club de Monte-Carlo 2013 to the above literature one but covering Sweden, in English and French, full color, 279 pages, large format, published at €60, only one copy available, $100 plus our standard $3 part postage and for foreign plus actual postage.
The London Philatelist, Archival Edition 1892-2012
All 121 volumes of the journal excluding advertising, 20,000+ articles. A major world philatelic journal of the first quality. All digitized and set up to be searched, on DVDs (not CDs) so they will run on most PCs but NOT on a MAC even if it has a PC emulation, self loading installation, 2 DVDs in all, published at £90, enquire before ordering, $205.00
Annotated Cumulative Subject Index to the Chronicle of the U.S. Classics Postal Issues, Journal of the U.S. PHILATELIC CLASSICS
Society for Issued 1 - 200, by Joseph J. Geraci., An exceedingly detailed work covering virtually any imaginable facet for an item in the journal, complete with a searchable CD. Invaluable for any collector of the US Classics. Information is only of value if you can find it and this magnificent work makes it possible; search a stamp, a town, etc.
Every marking shown on a cover as with the address is in the Geraci index and also the advertising showing covers; this material is not indexed in the free on-line USPCS index.
Edition limited to 200 copies, 2007, 591 pages, card, with searchable CD, $75.00, enquire
Philatelic Literature: Compilation Techniques and Reference Sources by James Negus
A fine guide on how to go about philatelic research plus a convenient source
of much bibliographic information. The listings are certainly not complete
but this work is a must in researching just about any subject.
1991, 294 + 8 pages, cloth, $55.00
Philatelist Index, 1866-1876 and 1934-1974 by James Negus
1976, 150 pages, cloth, edition of 200, one copy available, $95.00
Crawford Index
CATALOGUE PHILATELIC LIBRARY, The Earl of Crawford, K.T. by E.D. Bacon
The Crawford Index is a superb study and a real bibliography with extensive citations
on each work, comprehensive and complete. It covers books published through 1908
and auction catalogs and journals through 1906. There is a tremendous amount of
details on each entry; pagination, page size, publisher, editions, end papers, notes, etc.
The first place one turns for information published before 1906 and 1908 respectively.
Catalogue of the Crawford Library of Philatelic Literature at the British Library
1991 reprint of the 1911 book along with the 1926 and 1938 supplement, a new
preface by D. R. Beech and with British Library shelf marks added in manuscript.
The book used for this reprint is Sir Edward D. Bacon's personal copy and has a
few manuscript corrections and a number of notes.
1991, 555 pages, cloth, edition of 500 copies, $225.00
The Royal Philatelic Society London 1869-1969 History of the society and listing of publications, 192 pages, gold leaf, cloth, $65.00
American Philatelic Periodicals by Chester M. Smith, Jr., A listing of about 5,000 Philatelic Journals published in the US, quite useful as it gives the basic data on each journal, 1978, 78 pages, card, sold out
Manual of Philatelic Headings used by the American Philatelic Research Library by Chester M. Smith Jr.
1979, 102 pages, card, $15.00
Philatelic Literature, A History and Select Bibliography from 1861 by Dr. Manfred Amrhein All are in a large format and have a colorful dust jacket, excellent reading and reference. Enquire on availability.
- Vol 1, 19th century, an introduction to collecting philatelic literature, 1992, 179 pages, cloth
- Vol 2, Introduction to 20th century, forgeries; Central and South America, Spanish West Indies, 1997, 228 pages, cloth
- Vol 3, The Middle East, Africa, the Far East, 2001
- Vol 4, Europe less Greece and Turkey, Balkans, Nordic and the UK, 2006, 401 pages, cloth
- Vol 5, suposedly published but i have not seen one
Bierman Philatelic Library, Pacific 97 catalog, 20 pages, card, numbered edition of 500, $15.00, sold
Postage Stamps, A selective check list of books on Philately in the Library of Congress In conjunction with the 1940 purchase of the Frederick James Melville library acquisition, 1940, 60+ pages, card,
only one copy available, $17.50, sold
Philately: A catalog of the Collectors Club Library, New York City
The 26,500 cards in the C.C. library have been arranged by subject,
author, title plus listings of U.S. and foreign periodicals.
Not a Crawford Catalog but it covers the more recent works.
1974, 682 pages crown folio size, acid free paper, library binding, $250.00, sold
Confederate States of America, Philatelic Subject Index and Bibliography, 1862-1999 by Richard H. Byne
An index and bibliography with no comparison in American philately. Over 8,200 books, articles, auction catalogs, show programs, etc. are cited giving the basic description. These items are referred to in over 25,000 references by subject. Appendices cover abbreviations, authors, publications and illustrations.
Volume I covers the literature for the 1862-1984 period, Volume II covers 1985 - 1999
plus a few year 2000 listings and any listings from the earlier period that have just come to our attention.
- 1986, Vol I, 1862-1984, 352 pages, cloth, $45.00
- 2001, Vol II, 1862-1999, 208 pages, cloth, $45.00
The Complete OR (Official Records) of the Civil War, Union and Confederate
Over 200,000 pages, all searchable on DVD-ROM
- Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
- Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies
- Map Atlas of the Official Records (high resolution)
- National Archives Guide-Index (5 volumes)
These DVD also important non-official information and abstracts such as: Dyer's Compendium, Fox's regimental Losses, Southern Historical Society Papers, Confederate Military History, Campaigns of the Civil War, Biographies of 7 Confederate Generals (Early, Stuart, Gordon, Lee, Longstreet, Sorrel, and "Stonewall" Jackson). This program will only run on a computer having a DVD drive and also the program takes a bit of getting acquainted with however a computer is the only realistic way to handle the 200,000 pages of text and maps.
The content is divided into two large databases and is completely searchable. A must for students of the Civil War, postal history, the 1861 issue. $169.95 + $5.00, enquire first
Harris Index to Philatelic Literature 1879-1925 introduction by K.F. Chapman
A useful index for the period with a new listing of whole and volume
numbers for the journals covered and a new history of Harris Publications
Please note, it was originally the Harris price list, and is not an index.
1991 reprint of 1933 book, new material added, 157 pages, cloth, $29.50
Vermont Philatelic Index by Karl E. Henson
A well researched and arranged study but we wish the publishers
would have invested a reasonable sum in the paper and binding however
the price is now reduced from the original $30.00 to $15.00.
1993, 202 pages, card, $15.00
Index to Harry Hayes Auctions
Index to Harry Hayes Philatelic Literature Auctions by Raymond Price
Raymond Price in issuing a five volume master indexing of Harry Hayes auctions
of philatelic literature. Harry was the most prolific auctioneer of philatelic literature to
date: 64,800 lots sold in 88 sales from 1960 to 1986, perhaps 10,000 titles and 50,000
realizations in all.
- Vol 1: The literature of the 1980's, over 900 titles, about 3,000 realizations
1993, 92 pages, card, edition of 200 copies, one available, $47.50
- Vol 2: The literature of the 1970's, about 2,100 titles, one available, $47.50
1995, 192 pages, card, edition of 250 copies
- Vol 3: The literature of the 1950's and 1960's, about 2,500 titles, sold out
1995, 240 pages, card, edition of 250 copies
- Vol 4: literature published from 1900 to 1949, about 2,800 titles, sold out
1997, 220 pages, card, edition of 250 copies
- Vol 5, Pre 1900 publications and periodicals, 152+10 pages, card, 1998, sold out
- Vol 1-5, complete set, enquire before ordering, $225.00
Harlan W. Miller Philatelic Printer, A Biography by Harlan L. MillerA wonderful folksy story of a devoted Philatelic Printer that was responsible for many fine journals in the 1930-1960's such as The American Revenuer, Philatelic Literature Review, Bulletin of the Polonus Philatelic Society Kay Chief Stamp Journal and perhaps 40 more. 1965, 107 pages, printed on one side, some color, limited stock $65.00, enquire first
Index to Congress Books No. 1 - No. 72, 1935-2006, American Philatelic Congress, 2007, 163 pages, card, limited edition, limited stock, $35.00
American Philatelic Congress, Index to the Congress Books
Vol. 1 - 52, 1935-1986 by Kathleen Wolsiffer
1987, 89 pages, card, 3rd q 1987, PLR, well done, $6.50
Canadian Philately, Bibliography and Index by Cimon N. Morin
- 1979, 302 pages, covers 1864- 1973, card, $21.00
- 1983, 252 page supplement to above, covers 1974 - 1980, card $25.00
- 1998, 311+48 pages, supplement to above, covers, 1981-1993, card, $30.00
Index to The Cinderella Philatelist 1961-1985 and to The Private Post
1977-1985 by Ian D. Crane, Cinderella Stamp Club Handbook No. 6
1986, 128 pages, card, $15.00
Litk No. 1, $30.00An Annotated Bibliography of Burma Philately by Alan Meech
Most readable, detailed and well produced listing of books
articles and auction catalogs.
1993, 125 pages, 16 illustrations, card bound $40.00
60 Year Index to the United States Specialist, Vol. 1 to 60 by R. T. Hall
1990, 354 pages, cloth, covers 1930 - 1989, ie BIA, $35.00
Indexes to The Airpost Journal, Vol 1-60, 1929-1989 and Aero Philatelist
Annals, Vol 1-25, 1953-1971 and 1975-1982
1992, 200 pages, cloth, $14.00
An Annotated Bibliography of Burma Philately by Alan Meech
Most readable, detailed and well produced listing of books
articles and auction catalogs.
1993, 125 pages, 16 illustrations, card bound $40.00
Bibliografie van de filatelie in Belgie by Robert Leroy
Bibliography of philatelic literature published in Belgium with indexes by
author and subject, listing of library locations, etc. Some notes in English.
1988 second edition, 298 pages, cloth, $42.50
Jean-Baptiste Moens 1833-1908 Pere De La Philatelie by Leclercq & Waroquiers
A fine catalog of Moens' books and journals with rarity factors.
Well illustrated and attractively presented, in French.
1981, 58 pages, cloth $32.50
A Bibliography of Philatelic Literature on the French Colonies,
Protectorates and Overseas Territories, Vol. One by R. G. Stone
1981, 110 pages, card, $10.00
Bibliography - Indian Philately by Philatelic Congress of India
Arranged into 98 chapters by subject, then by date of publication.
1988, 426 pages, poor native paper and cloth, $42.50
Index to Fil-Italia, Italy and Colonies Study Circle, Vol I-XXX, 2005 February, 112 pages, in English as is the Journal, a well prepared index, the journal may we offered in CD format soon however it is available in most major philatelic libraries.
- Printed, plastic ring binding, limited stock, £15 plus transit, special order only, $27.50
- CD Rom, in PDF format, £3 plus transit, $6.00
Only one of each on the below
- Bibliographies in Spanish and English, Bibliografia Filatelica y Postal Nathan and Gahl, 1984, 581 pages, $87.50, enquire first
- Bibliographies in Spanish, Referencia Bibliografica Sobre Filatelica Espanola, Leal and Camino 1985, 252 pages, card, sold
New Zealand, A Bibliography of New Zealand Cinderellas by D.E.Hurley, Arranged by subject, 3 pages on forgeries,1997, 109 pages, clastic ring binding, $17.50
New Zealand and Dependencies - A Philatelic bibliography by David R. Beech, Allan P. Berry and Robin M. Startup. An extensive and most detailed bibliography as would be expected from the compilers, limited stock and limited edition. 2004, xv+289 pages, cloth, $85.00
World Forgery Catalog
World Forgery Catalog, A Reference List of Stamp Forgery Descriptions by G. Kock A compilation of literature on Forgeries, mostly the classic stamps. In essence you look up the stamp and it gives the references to the forgery literature, ie title and page number. For this first printing Scott's Catalog Numbers are included but should this work be reprinted the subsequent editions will not have the Scott's numbers. 1998, 90 pages, card, out of print
PHILATELIC LITERATURE REVIEW, Journal of the AP Research Library
- First Series, No. 1, Sept 1942 - No. 24, Summer-Fall 1949, rare
- Second Series, No. 1, Fall 1950 - to date
- Whole numbers 23-34, covers on colored paper
- Whole numbers 35-39, on enameled paper
- No 1 - 39, complete sets, rare, usually not available
- No 40, June 1963 complete through No. 109, 4th Quarter 1980, $220.00
- No 40, June 1963 through No 217, 4th Quarter 2007
Warren H. Colson of Boston - His Stamps by John R. Boker Jr.
A wonderful 13 page article in the 1989 APC book, 187 pages, cloth, $25.00
Storsamlaren Hans Lagerlöf by Erik Hamberg
Hans Lagerlöf, 1880-1952, Philatelist, Lagerlöf emigrated to the US
and became a world class collector, his life and collections, in Swedish
but with some English, well illustrated
1996, 35 pages, card, $13.50
Philatelic Bibliopole by Leonard H. Hartmann
Annual Catalog, new condition, never mailed.
We ran out of Catalog No. 2 and 10 before the appearance of the
next one and have no remainders
- 1976 - 2002, No. 1 - 26 the last issued, both Christmas issues, less No. 2, $125.00
- 1976 - 2002, No. 1 - 26 the last issued, both Christmas issues, less Nos 2, 10, 25, $115.00
- 1979, No. 4, Catalog of a Western Gentleman, $9.50
- 1988 - 1998, No. 13 - 23, each, $6.00
Phil Bansner Philatelic Literature Price List
- No 5, 1992, 83 pages, card, $9,.50 enquire first
HJMR Priced Guide to Philatelic Literature
- 1968, 1st edition, 232 pages, plastic binder, $7.50
- 1971, 2nd edition, 510 pages, cloth $22.50 (used $15.00); card edition $10.00 (used $7.50)
Literature Auction Catalogs
Herbert J. Bloch Philatelic Reference Library,
Roger Koerber sale 137, March 29-30, 1985, with printed prices, $17.50, sold
Robbins Auction Catalogs of Philatelic Literature
- 1975, 1st sale, 48 pages, self cover, with prices realized, $10.00
- 1979, 3rd sale, 56 pages, self cover, with prices realized, $7.50
William Lawrence Green Library, Stamp-Ade Co., 3/26-27/1988, a major holding of early handbooks and journals, with pr, $15.00, sold
George T. Turner Philatelic Library, Roger Koerber, 1981
- Card bound with prices realized, $22.50
- Publisher's Cloth bound, $35.00 sold out
Philip H. Ward Library, Sylvester Colby, 1965-1967
- Card bound, 3 sales, with xerox pr, $37.50
- Publisher's Binding, all 3 sales with pr, $50.00, sold
Western Philatleic Library Duplicates ELA sale No. 63, 1997, $12.50, enquire first
Sales Held by Sylvester Colby, New York
- Dr. C. S. Hitchins, No. 128-9, 1959, $9.50, sold
- Kayes, No. , 1962, $9.50, sold
- Dr. Ralph Ritzman, No. 198-200, 1968, $10.00, sold
- Henry A. Meyer, No. 219, 1969, $9.50
- John N. Luff,
- Part 1, No. 225-7, 1970, $8.50, sold
- Part 2, No. 234-5, 1970, $9.50
- Frank Rossi, No. 243-4, 1971, $9.50, sold
- David Lidman, No. 1972, $8.50
- Sylvester Colby, sold by RAS, No. 461, 1974, $15.50
Return to Auction Catalogs
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Philatelic Bibliopole
PO Box 36006, Louisville, Ky 40233, USA
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- Fax 502, 459-8538, Phone 502, 451-0317