Philatelic Bibliopole
Leonard H. Hartmann
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Francis J. Field,
Chavril Press
The Postmarks and Postal History of Cameroun
Under French Administration - 1916-1959
by M. P. Bratzel Jr.
2021, 481+14 pages in full color, cloth bound, plus a CD having 658 searchable pages. Covers all phases of the philately from the development of the postal service, stamps and covers, handstamps, WW II, etc. edition of 100, limited stock, $85.00+$4.00 pp to a US address
The printed book is quite well laid out and logical, it is all in English. The CD is logical but one must understand it and have some knowledge of French, it contains the full original documentation. First go to the Appendix and find the item of interest, the D-xx number reference is a file on the CD having the original full information in French, the subsequent files are also in French.
The History of Airmail in Poland and Its
Contribution to Airmail Services of Europe (1914-1939)
Jerzy W. Kupiec-Weglinski
2021, In English and Polish, 422 pages, hard bound, $79.50
Chinese Air Mail
An exceptional four volume set, all in full color, cloth bound, excellent, paper, printing and binding. Each book shows a complete exhibit, page-by-page, Three of the exhibits are written up in English, one in both English and Chinese, published by the Chinese Post & Telecom Press, circa 2014
Published at 1,680 yuan ($125.00 !) per volume, cloth bound and well produced, the full set $250.00, one set left
- Air Post of China (1920-1943) by Wei Gang & Zhu Qiongshan, 142 pages
- Dragons T Wings-Chinese Air Mails formed by Brian L. Asquith, 144 pages
- China Airmails A Study of the Development of Aviation & Airmail Services in China from 1920 to 1941 by Lin Hengfu, FRPSL, 142 pages.
- China Airmails & Forerunners, The Dia Mond T Collection by May & David Lu, FRPSL, 148 pages
A Collectors Notes and Comments on the Rare and Mysterious Colombian Airmails 1919-1923
by Barry P. Fletcher
In essence it covers Colombia airmails C1-C24B and C36-37. It is written from a collectors point of view with regard to numbers printed or known, scarcity of the different stamps on flown covers, flight details and dates, provenance of the more well known pieces, comments on fakes and forgeries, etc., etc. We assume this volume is a prelude to a more extensive book should additional information surface. 2016, 128 pages, in color, card, the author’s e-mail address is printed in the book, page on the page facing the copyright, he will gladly share information, edition of 60 copies of which 25 are for the US
French African Airmails 1932 to 1940 Gerard Collot and Alain Cornu, Weill illustrated, 2013, 272 pages, paper case binding, $95.00, one copy available
Edward Proud's massive Air Mail Study, the set is complete but now out of print
Intercontinental Airmails, Volume 1, Transatlantic and Pacific by Edward Proud
- Pioneer transatlantic flights
- German airship
- North Atlantic 1939-45
- Imperial Airways (BOAC from 1st April 1940)
- Pan American timetables
- Trans Canada Airlines
- French South Atlantic Service mail
- PAA South Atlantic Service 1942-1945 between Brazil and Lisbon,
- PAA South Atlantic Service (FAM22)
- PAA Transpacific routes
- New Zealand to Australia Service by Tasman Empire Airways Ltd
- European Link and Shuttle Services 1939-45
- notes on censorship
- Volume 1, 2008, 672 pages in color and well produced in all respects, cloth with dj, much color, indexed, limited edition, published price was £68.00 plus transit, January 1, 2009 the published price was increased to £80.00, sold out
- Volume 2, 2009, Asia and Australasia, cloth with dj, much color, 896 pages, published price £80.00, plus transit, $215, cone copy left
- Volume 3, 2010, Africa, cloth with dj, over 1,032 pages, published price £95.00 plus transit, $190.00, sold out
AAMC 7th Edition
American Air Mail Catalog, Seventy Edition, American Air Mail Society
All new, in color and a now in a large format
- Vol. 1,
Official Contract Air Mail (CAM) First Flights, Routes 1-34, February 15, 1926 - February 18, 1934, Philippine Islands & Foreign Flag Flights, 2014, 690 pages, cloth $75.00
- Vol 2,
The entire volume is devoted to Polar Air Mail, World Wide, by Hal Vogel and David Larson
2016, 488 pages, cloth, $100.00
- Vol 3.
CAM, First Flight Covers, AM Routes 1-28, US Pioneer Flights: 1910-1916, Canal Zone 1918-1979, Amelia Earhart, US Glider Flights, US Governmental Flights, 2017, 562+4 pages, cloth, $100.00
- Much of the 6th edition is still in stock and is the source on subjects not yet covered in the new 7th edition.
AAMC, 6th Edition
American Air Mail Catalog, Sixth Edition, American Air Mail Society
The standard overall work on American Airmails, the new 7th edition will evolve over a number of years
- Vol 1, US Pioneer Flights 1910-1916, US Government Flight, US Air Express,
Crash Covers, Airport Dedication, Mexico First Flights, US Pioneer Flights 1910-1916, US Government Flight, US Air Express,
Crash Covers, Airport Dedication, Mexico First Flights
1998, 552 pages, cloth, $37.50
- Vol 2, First Flights of US Airlines since deregulation, Glider Mail, First Jet Flights,
2003, 588 pages, cloth $37.50
- Vol 3, Foreign Contract Air Mail Routes (FAMS), Alaska Canal Zone, etc., 2005, 486 pages, cloth, $37.50
- The Airmails of Canada and Newfoundland from the American Air Mail Society
The first volume of the new 6th edition of the AAMC. Covers: Pioneer Flights, SCADTA, Semi-Officials, Airship, Government and other covers 1926-1997, Crash Covers, Balloon, Helicopter, Forces, etc. 1997, 552 pages, cloth, $37.50, enquire first
Chronology of American Air Mail Catalogs
The editions of the American Air Mail Catalog are a bit complex, a proper identification of the editions and printings would be most appreciated and listed for everyone to use if some reader would obliged in correcting and expanding the below. For prices please see our
d and listed for everyone to use if some reader would obliged in correcting and expanding the below. For prices please see our assundry section.
- AAMC, 1st ed
- 1935, Contract Air Mail Routes through 1934, 130 pages
- 1940, second edition of the above, 912 pages
- 1941, 1941 with bound supplements, also separate card bound supplement
- 1943, 1941 with bound supplements, also separate card bound supplement
- AAMC, 2nd ed we now think the above 1940 edition and supplements are actually the 2nd edition
- AAMC, 3rd ed
- 1947, vol 1
- 1950, vol 2
- 1959, vol 3, updates 1947 and 1950
- AAMC, 4th ed, 1966 - 1971, all 4 volumes VF with dj, $90.00, sold
- AAMC, 5th ed, 1974-1990, Vol. 1 - 5, 1983 and 1990 pricing supplements, senquire
- AAMC, 6th ed, see above for details
- 1997, Canada and Newfoundland, 1997, 6th edition not mentioned
- Vol 1, 1998
Air Mail Operations During World War II, A Study of Routes, Rates and Markings by Thomas H. Boyle, Jr., American Air Mail Society
Over 400 illustrations and 150 tables of rates and routes.
1998, 927+8 pages, card bound, $180.00
The Transports by G.H. Davis
The Airmail Transport series of 1941-44, all facets, stamp design,
production, usage, rates and routes, over 200 photographs of stamps and covers. 1999, 231 pages, card, $28.00
American Air Mail Catalogue, Fifth Edition, current and standard complete work.
All volumes are now out of print however we do have copies of the previous editions
and expect used copies will come in from time to time. The first volumes of a new edition
is already in stock but it will be a number of years before the rest come out..
- Vol. 1, 1974, 478 pages, cloth
U.S. Pioneer Flights, Government, Army Emergency to 1938,
Early Foreign, Balloon Post Siege of Paris, Crash Covers, etc.
- Vol. 2, 1977, 528 pages, cloth
U.S. Field Postmarks, Contract Mail, Domestic Air Mail Rates
- Vol. 3, 1978, 518 pages, cloth
U.S. Contract Mail, Airport Dedication, Lindberghian
- Vol. 4, 1981, 595 pages, cloth
Trans-Ocean Record Flights, Catapult, Newfoundland, Canada
- Vol. 5, 1985, 571 pages, cloth
UN, Ryukyu, Cuba, DO-X, US Glider, Autogiro, Helicopter
The Jet Age, U.S. Souvenir Historical Flights
- Complete set vol 1-5 plus bound pricing supplement,
Please see our ASSUNDRY for used AAMS, etc. catalogs:
Go to Assundry
1990 American Air Mail Catalog Pricing Supplement
Vol. 1 - 5, Pricing updates with introduction to each section.
1990, 218 pages, cloth, $20.00 enquire first
Indexes to The Airpost Journal, Vol 1-60, 1929-1989 and Aero Philatelist
Annals, Vol 1-25, 1953-1971 and 1975-1982
1992, 200 pages, cloth $14.00, sold out
The Buffalo Balloon Mail 1873-1877 by Robert Schoendorf
A fine study of both the flight and the stamp, Scott CL 1.
1979, 30 pages, card, edition of 500, numbered, $20.00, snquire first
Jenny by George Amick
The postal and philatelic story of the 24¢ 1918 Airmail Invert.
1986, 264 pages, 85 illustrations, card, out of print limited stock, enquire before ordering, $25.00, cloth with dj, $35.00
United States, The 24¢ Air Mail Inverted Center of 1918 by H. M. Goodkind
1956, 32 pages, card, outprint from CCP, $17.50, nquire before ordering
United States, The 5¢ Beacon Air Mail Stamp of 1928 by H. M. Goodkind
1965, 61 pages, card, enquire before ordering, $25.00
Airmail Special Delivery Stamps of the U.S. by Ralph L. Sloat
1977, 86 pages plus fold out table, card. $12.50
Airmail Antics by Fred Boughner
Stories of the Pioneer U.S. Government Airmail Service, enjoyable.
1988, 190 pages, card. $12.50, cloth bound $35.00
Pioneer Airplane Mails of the United States by T. J. O'Sullivan
The 1910-1916 period, illustrates covers and memorabilia.
1985, 338 pages, cloth, $27.50
Max-I didn't get to know him very well by A. D. Jones
The life of Max Miller, the first of the early U.S. airmail pilots from May 15,1918 until his death
on September 1, 1920. The story of the development of the transcontinental air mail service. 2004, 132 pages, card, $16.50
History of the U.S. Pioneer and Government-Operated Air Mail
Service, 1910-1928 by O'Sullivan & Weber
1973, 190 pages, cloth, $20.00
Aerial Mail Service, A Chronology of the Early US Government Air Mail,
March - December, 1918 by Don Jones
A fine account of the services, well written, illustrated and printed.
1993, 128 pages, card $16.50
Turk Bird, High-Flying Life and Times of Eddie Gardner by James H. Bruns The story of one of America's first civilian air mail pilots.
1998, 104 pages, card, $12.50
Pioneer Flights of Garden City Estates, New York 1911 by Schoendorf
1982, 79 pages, card, edition of 500, $20.00
Areophilatelic Flight - Hawaii & Central Pacific 1913-1946 by Crampon
1980, 70 pages, card, covers the flights, cancels, cachets, sold out
Via Airmail, An Aerophilateic Survey of Events, Routes and Rates by Short and
Ganz An anthology of new articles, notable the Domestic, Beacon and Zeppelin
rates covering 74 pages, articles from the Chicago 1911 meet to the Concorde.
1992, 224 pages, cloth $22.00
Sanabria Airmail Catalogue, North America edited by S.R. Datz & R. Sine
Covers the US, Canada and Mexico. The first volume of a new series intended
to cover the entire world. Not as detailed as we would like but the first new edition
since the 1972 edition, 1995, 120 pages, card $20.00
French Colonial Airmail rates from 1920 to 1945 by Bob Picirilli
Covers the letter rates and airmail surtax for French colonies from the start of commercial aviation to the end of WW2, and provides for the first time a comprehensive source of information to explain the postage rates applied to pre 1946 French colonial airmail covers. Published by the France & Colonies Philatelic Society (GB). 234 pages, card bound, and a CD having a 7,500 cover database, sold out
- The a British French and Colonies Society now offers a CD of this book
Colombia, The Lansa Story, The Postal History of the Colombian Airline LANSA by Alfredo Frohlich & Dieter Bortfeldt, A comprehensive story of the history, covers, stamps and forgeries. 2005, 179 pages, in color, cloth, $135.00, sold
Columbia, Handbook of the SCADTA Provisional Surcharges 1921-1923 by Santiago Cruz & Dieter Bortfeldtprinted in Colombia but in English, new study of the provisionals including details on the forgeries, 2004, 120 pages, $135.00, sold
German North Atlantic Catapult Flights 1929-1935 by James W. Graue & Dieter Leder,
A good history, flight details and detailed priced catalog, 2004, 235 pages, metal spiral bound, $62.50
Deutsche Lufthansa, South Atlantic Airmail Service 1934-1939 by James W. Graue & John Duggan, Europe to South America, a detailed listing, flight details, 2000, 236 pages card, $67.50, sold out
Special Zeppelin Mail and Postcard Catalog 2000 by Frost
Similar to Sieger but perhaps a more logical approach, the first number is the airship and the second part is the flight, unfortunately though it is in English it is evidently a translation and the grammar is not well done.
1999, 303 pages, card, $29.50, sold out
Special Airship Mail and Postcard Catalog 2005 by Frost
2005, 497 pages, card, one copy only, $47.50, sold out
OAT and AV2 Markings by Murray Heifetz, 2nd edition from the AAMS,
Air mail markings giving transit instructions, 1938-1974
2000, 2nd edition, 142 pages, card, $12.50
2007, 3rd edition, 168 pages, card, $17.50, sold out
Correio Aero - A History of the Development of Air Mail Services in Brazil by William
Victor Kriebel The development of the airlines that carried mail in and
out of Brazil, Aeropostale, Lufthansa, LATI, NYRBA, Pan Am, Varg, Condor, etc
Another fine volume from the AAMS, 1997, 200 pages, card, in English, $16.50
The Mass Flights of Italo Balbo by Robert E. Lana
Flights made by Italo Balbo in 1928 to the Western Mediterranean,
in 1929 to the Eastern Mediterranean, in 1930 across the South Atlantic
and in 1933 to Chicago. All aspects including value of the covers.
1996, 144 pages, card, in English $16.50
The Pioneer Period of Hungarian Air Mail by Victor G. Berecz Jr.
Hungarian air mail from the 1800's through WW II, the major
emphasis is WW I and just after, well illustrated and produced.
1996, 200 pages, card, in English, $16.50
Peruvian Civil Aviation by Herbert H. Moll
The experimental flights by Chavez and Bielouvic, the flights of the 1920's
and 1930's and the Faucett and Panagra Airlines
2000, 87 pages, card, $16.00
China, A Comprehensive Illustration of Covers with Sinkiang Provisional Airmail Stamps, 1932-1933 by David Lu, Each cover is described in detail with full
provenance, in both English and Chinese. Well printed with excellent English test though the general arrangement is strange. 2001, 256 pages with 8 in color, hard bound with dj (not card edition), $32.50
A Philatelic Guide to the Postal History of West Indian Aerial Express and
Pan American Airways 1927-1931 by Norman Alan Cohen
An enjoyable and useful work, well produced for the price, well illustrated.
1997, 164 pages, plastic spiral, sold out
Air Mail Routes and Rates in South America, 1928-1940 by Mario D. Kurchan
Full text in both English and Spanish, well illustrated with maps and covers. These two volumes overlap only a little.
- Air Mail Routes and Rates in South America, 1928-1940,
Emphasized the formal rates and routes, those of French lines 1999. 144 pages, card, $45.00, sold out
- The Secrets of Air Mail Routes and Rates in South America, 1928-1941, Emphasizes the rates that were not published and the Clipper Attempts, 2001, 192 pages, card, $35.00
Airmails 1870-1970 by James Mackay, 1971, 215 pages, cloth with dj, $17.50
Charles J. LaBlonde
- The Postal History of World War II Mail between Canada and Switzerland by Charles J. LaBlonde and John TyackThis book is all Canada, complete Censorship info, Message Scheme info, extensive, Blackout Postmarks etc. 2008, 250 pages, spiral bound, $30.00
- World War II Mail from Switzerland to Great Britain, Canada and the USA - A Postal History Handbook by Charles J. LaBlonde Relatively little Canadian information, 2003, 222 pages with 231 illustrations, spiral bound, out of print
- The Postal History of the World War II Mail Between New Zealand and Switzerland by Robin Startup and Charles LaBlonde, Contains much GB Archive material, as well as NZ, Swiss and Red Cross archival, extensive bibliography, 2005, 130 pages, card, out of print
- The Suspension of United States Mail to Switzerland 1942 to 1944/1945 by Charles J. LaBlonde, This also has much good Canadian information and illustrates some Canadian covers, 2006, 84 pages, spiral bound, 2006, $35.00
Newfoundland Air Mails 1919-1939 with additional notes on Subsequent Flights and Air Stamps
- 1953, 1st edition, by Dalwick & Harmer, 180 pages, cloth, $35.00
- 1984, 2nd edition by C. H. C. Harmer, edited by Eisendrath , 181 pages, cloth, $20.00
France, Histore de L'Aérostation et de L'Aviation Française de 1783-1930
A fine catalog of French Airmail, well illustrated, printed and bound
1981, 192 pages, cloth, French $32.50
France, The Flight of the Ville D'Orleans by Ernst M. Cohn
Perhaps the most fascinating flight from the 1870 Siege of Paris.
- 1978, 175 pages, cloth, with slip case, out of print, in stock $100.00
- 1978, 175 pages, cloth, regular edition, out of print, in stock $90.00
Haiti, Early Air Mail of Haiti by Peter C. Jeannopoulos, 2010, 28 pages, in color, card, $20.00
Honduras, The Black Honduras by Irving I. Green
1962, 32 pages, card, stamp, history and philately $14.50
Rocket Mail Flights of the World to 1986 by Dr. Max Kronstein
An interesting coverage from the Siege to Paris in 1870 to date.
1986, 199 pages, cloth $25.00
Air Crash Mail
Recovered Mail = Courrier Recupere, Airline Crashed 1918-1978 by Henri L. Nierinck
Mail from non-U.S. airplane crashes 1918-1978
Arranged by year, well illustrated and well indexed.
1984, 365 pages, cloth, illustrated, in English and French
1985, 8 page, card pricing guide, published at 1,900 BF= $65 US, net $30.00
Crash Covers an Aerophilatelic Challenge by Joseph L. Eisendrath, 1979, 210 pages, cloth, $35.00, sold out
Air Crash Mail of Imperial Airways and Predecessor Airlines by Kendall C. Sanford, Imperial Airways and predecessors were Britain's international airline from 1924 to 1940 when it became British Overseas (BOAC), 96 covers and 174 cachets are shown.
2003, 12+190+18 pages, card bound, with 4 page pricing guide, out of print, $120.00
Pigeon Mail
Pigeon Mail Through History by Senor Salvador Bofarull
A fun book from ancient times to the modern with the Franco-Prussian War, WW1 and 2, Santa Catalina Island in 1894, Polar Expeditions, Spanish Civil War
and other services known to philately to end in 1998 with a blackmail threat to the Nestle company for diamonds to be attached to the neck of Pigeons to reveal the location of poisoned food. From the Stuart Rossiter Trust.
2001, 16+167 pages, card, £25, $60.00
The Pigeon Post into Paris 1870-1871 by J. D. Hayhurst
A fine and readable study, and it is in English.
1970, 48 pages, card $25.00
The Great Barrier Island 1898-99 Pigeon Post Stamps
by J. Reg. Walker, a fine study of the history, stamps and covers, CCNY handbook no. 22.
1968, 109 pages, card, $25.00
Weebau, World Space Catalogue
The complete world catalogue of Space on Stamps, over 13,000 illustrations,
Scott, Yvert & Teller and Michel numbers, English, French & German
1990, 2nd edition, 1,168 pages, card, mostly in French $35.00
Sanabria, Cosmonaut Autographs Identification GuideIllustrates the autographs and lists the missions and crews, 1994, 74 pages, spiral metal binding, $17.50
Francis J. Field Airmail Booklets
These small booklets were originally published by Field and are similar in nature to the series by Philip Cockrill, in essence they give the essence of the subject which is often all that is needed. For the most part the below are reprints by M.S. Todd with full royalties being paid to the family. In a few cases we can supply the original printing at the market price. Stock and prices revised April 15,2004.
- Artic Air Mails: Field, 1968, 20 pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- Atlantic Mail FLIGHTS, Fifty Years of by Baldwin, 20 pages, card, £3.50, $8.00
- Australia: External Air Mails of: Baldwin, 1965, 62 pages, card, £8.00, $18.00
- Australia & New Zealand to Great Britain (War time services 1939-45): O. R. J. Lee. 13 pages, card, £3.50, $8.00
- Qantas Empire Airways Comes of Age, 20 pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- Austria; An Air Mail Digest: Field, 16 pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- Bermuda, Air Mails of: Baldwin, 16 pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- B.E.A. Helicopter Mails: 20 Years of by Baldwin, 11 pages, card, £3.00, $6.75
- B.O.A.C.'s. Silver Jubilee: Baldwin, 20 pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- Bridging the South Atlantic by Air Mail: A.L.Leon, 9 pages, card, £5.00, $11.50
- Bridging the Pacific, Priced Chronology of Projected, Attempted, and Successful Pacific Flights 1919-1951: Field, 52 pages, card, £8.00, $18.00
- Post-War Bridging the Atlantic, 1945-50: Baldwin, 48 pages, card, £6.50, $15.50
- British Commonwealth Air Mail Digest 1-10: Field (updated information), 1953, 48 pages, card, £5.50, $12.50
- Ceylon 1873-1950: Field, 12 pages, card, £3.00, $6.75
- COMET-1: Baldwin (List of Flights), 12 pages, card, £3.00, not available
- COMET-4: Baldwin, 20 pages, card, £4.00, not available
- East Africa Governors Conference Report of a Committee Appointed to Prepare a Scheme for Post-War Local Air Services in East Africa 1943. (Routes, Mileage, Tariffs), 24 pages, card, £11.00, $27.50
- Ethiopia Air Mail Flights to 1934: N.Cape, 48 pages, card, £5.50, not available
- Air France, History of the Development of the Air Mail Services: Baldwin, 2968, 20 pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- Deutsche Luft Hansa and Luft Hansa: Field, 14 pages, card, £4.50, $10.25
- Fanco-German War 1870-71, Balloon Builders Cachets on Letters Entrusted to Aeronauts: H.Cappart, 5 pages, card, £2.00, not available
- British Mails of The Graf Zeppelin: Field, 1987, 15 pages, card, £2.00, $4.50
- Great Britain, Air Letter Stamps and Services: Baldwin, 1966, 21pages, card, £5.00, $11.50
- Great Britain and Ireland, Catalogue of Internal Air Mails 1910-1941: Baldwin, 38 pages, card, £6.00, $13.50
- British Air Mails 1946-1951: Baldwin (Priced supplement), 1955, 21 pages, card, £5.00, $11.50
- Fifty Years of British Air Mails 1911-1960: Baldwin, 47 pages, card, £8.00, $18.00
- British Inland Air Mail April 1933-April 35: Phillips, 15 pages, card, £3.50, $8.00
- Royal Air Force Reconnaissance Flights, Delhi to Singapore 1930: A.H.Frost, 12 pages, card, £5.00, not available
- Railway Air Services, British Inland Air Posts: Baldwin, 8 pages, card, £3.00, $7.00
- Hong Kong Air Post History, Priced Check List: Baldwin & Field, 8 pages, card, £3.50, $8.00
- Imperial Airways & Subsidiary Companies, History and Price Check List of Empire Air Mails: Baldwin, 79+ pages, card, £10.00, $22.50
- Japan Overseas and International Flights: Field (Valuation guide), 20 pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- Libya, Air Mail Postal History of the Fezzan: N.Davies, 3 pages, card, £1.50, not available.
- Malaya, Air Mails of: Baldwin, 19 pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- New Guinea, Air Mail In, Includes Papua: Gisburn, 11, pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- Norwegian Air Mails, A Check List of: Baldwin, 12pages, card, £3.00, $7.00
- Pan American Airways: Baldwin, 21 pages, card, £4.50, $10.50
- Royal Air Force Covers of: Field, 22 pages, card, £5.00, $11.25
- Rhodesia's and Nyasaland, Air Mail History of: Baldwin, 16 pages, card, £4.00, $9.00
- Rocket & Jet Posts History of: Field, 41 pages, card, £6.50, $14.50
- British Africa, Air Mails of 1925-32: Baldwin, 69 pages, card, £8.50, $19.25
- South Africa, Air Posts of: Check List 1911-1956: Baldwin & Stern, 24 pages, card, £6.00, $13.50
Chavril Press
We are pleased to be able to stock the Chavril Press titles in the US
at prices that are most favorable.
These small booklets have the essence of the subject. They do not contain the
depth of the major studies but they do make fine quick references and introductions to
the fields, in many cases they supply all that is wanted. Unless otherwise noted all are
authored by C. R and A. M. Entwistle. They often contain a valuation guide.
Our friends in the UK should order direct from the publisher: Chavril Press, Bloomfield,
Perth Road, Abernethy, Perth, Scotland PH2 9LW
The British Army Post Office in Conflict & Crisis Situations 1946 - 1982 by Charles Entwistle,
comes complete with a 'Priced Checklist' for FPOs, 25 events are detailed however because of the size the Korean War and the protracted guerrilla wars in Cyprus, Malaya and Kenya are not covered, 2005, 36 pages, card, published £10.00 plus transit, $20.00
World War I in East Africa: Civil Censorship by Regis Hoffman
2001, 24 pages, card, £6.50, $13.00
A Priced Catalogue of British Army & Field Post Offices by C. R and A. M. Entwistle
Laid out by APO/FPO numbers giving the theatre of operation and dates
- 1914-1919, 1997, 44 pages, card, UK £8.50, out of print, $22.50
- 1939-1946, 1998, 36 pages, card, UK £8.50, out of print, $22.50
The Post & Censor & Other Marks From Prisoners of War Letters 1914-1919
by F. J. Carter, edited by M. Russell
The first edition was in 1932 and the second was never sold commercially thus this third
edition is most welcome.
- Part 1, British Isles, Dominions and Colonies
1996, 35+3 pages, 3rd edition, card UK £9.5, $20.00
Wartime Airmails:
- Great Britain Transatlantic & Beyond
1995, 24 pages, card UK, out of print, $17.50
- The Horseshoe Route, The route connecting the British Empire during WW II, 1992, 24 pages, card UK £5.00, out of print, $15.00
- The Trans-Pacific Route, 1942-1945,
1997, 28 pages, card US, out of print, $17.50
- The Locally Registered & Foreign Air Services of British Africa,
1998, 24 pages, card UK £6.50, our of print, $17.50
- The Locally Registered & Foreign Air Services of British Asia,
2001, 24 pages, card UK £6.50, $13.00
Censorship in the Royal Air Force 1918 to 1956 by N. Colley and W. Garrard
Mostly WW2, 62 types by design, arranged by geographic and recorded period,
also covers RAF mail not handled by the Army PS, historic background, 1500
censors recorded by country, partial cross index, rarity factors.
1993, 76 pages, large format, card, UK £17.50, $37.50
History of the RAF Postal Service Overseas 1942-1957 by W. Garrard
- Vol I The formation, organization and types of postmarks used by the RAF
Postal Service in 57 countries, territories and theatres of operation.
The main theaters of operation and the more exotic locations such as
Borneo, China, Cocs Islands, French Indo-China, the ill fated Greek & Create
campaign, Labuan Island, Siam and West Africa (Gambia, Gold Coast, Nigeria
& Sierra Leone). 40 postmarks and most RAF censor cachets illustrated
1991, 60 pages, card, UK £10.00, out of print $27.50
- Vol II, RAFPOSTS of South East Asia
A checklist of the 362 Rafpost Offices used in India & SE Asia (Burma, Ceylon,
China, Cocos Is, Hong Kong, Indo-China, Japan, N.E.I., Malaya & Siam) with,
where known, types of datestamp, dates of use, location & units served.
1990, 22 pages, card, UK £6.50, out of print $20.00
A Brief Outline of the British Army Postal Service during World War I
1990, 32 pages, card UK £2.00, all the main theatres, $4.00
Undercover Addresses of World War II, Revised Edition, C. R and A. M. Entwistle. This work covers mailing addresses that permitted communication between the Axis powers and the Allies and also to conceal the identity and or location of those involved. Many things used such addresses such as the Box numbers for the Manhattan Project, addresses on mail from the Netherlands to Portugal to be sent to London, etc. etc.
- 1992 2nd edition, 170 addresses in 25 countries, 44 pages, card, UK £10.00, $20.00
- 2006 3rd edition, 340+ addresses in 25+ countries, 48 pages, card, UK £13.50 plus transit, $27.50
French Somali Coast, Postal History 1939-45 by A. R. Torrance
1992, 24 pages, card UK £5.50, $11.00
Civil Censorship in Australia & Dependencies 1939-1945 by J. C. Smith
1991, 48 pages, card, UK £8.50, $17.00
Ceylon - Its Postal History 1914-19, with value guide
1990, 12 pages, card UK £2.00, one copy left, $5.50
Assundry, only one of each
Sanabria's Air Post Catalog
- 1936 edition, 433 pages, cloth $10.00
- 1938 edition, 557 pages, cloth $10.00, sold
- 1939 edition, 659 pages, cloth $15.00, sold
- 1954-55 edition, 540 pages, cloth $15.00, sold
- 1959-60 edition, 627 pages, cloth $22.50, sold
- 1966 edition, the last complete catalog, 1350 pages, cloth, sold
The Saga of the Air Mail by Carroll V. Glines, 1968, 180 pages, cloth, with dj, not philatelic but of interest, $12.50
Flying the Mail by Donald Dale Jackson, An extremely attractive non-philatelic book, circa 2000, 176 pages, cloth.$25.00, sold
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