This listing is only a small fraction of our stock of out of print and used titles that are not in our printed catalog or on the INTERNET. If you are looking for a specific title please drop us a quick note, Leonard
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Schriftenreihe, Neues Handbuch Der Briefmarkenkunde by Hans von Rudolphi, 1960-1972, all in German, 43 booklets. 3.5 inches thick, card bound, handbooks on limited subjects, each covers a different subject, many quite esoteric stamps and countriesthe first ones, Las Bela 1897-1901, Labuan,Modena Oranjefreistaat, Montenegro, etc. etc. VF condition however two numbers have small water stains on the front cover and the other on the back, $155.00
Neues Handbuch der Briefmarkenkunde Berichte Schriftleitung und wissenschtlichen Mirarbeiter, No 1-13 with index, all in German except for No. 10 North Viet Nam, that is also in English, 232 + XII pages, the lot $22.50
Neues Handbuch der Brifmarken Kunde, Lieferung 5 booklets, 0 1-4, 176+ 48 pages, card, $20.00
The Offset Berlin Post Office Stamps of 1920 by David W. Barnette, ISG Handbook #2, 1998, 26 pages, card, $8.50, sold
Neuer Ganzsachen-Katalog, 1955-1966, 5 volumes, No. 1-3,7, 9-10, card, $20.00
GPS Reference Manual of Forgeries, release n. 46, with complete index for 1-46, new never opened, $35.00
by Robert W. Jones
Mostly on the adhesive stamps including the booklets, some cancellations and background, all are illustrated in excellent color, uses the Michel catalog numbers,
2011, 304 + 12 pages, cloth, $99.95, sold out
Ziegler Briefmaren Katalog, 1946, 144 pages, card, $7.50
Erste Briefmarken Preisliste, 1948, 120 pages plus plates, card, $7.50
Muller Briefmarken Katalog, 1948, 516 pages, card, $8.50
Sudwestafrika Handbuch zur Geschichte eines Sonnenlandes by Dr. Herbert Werner Gewande, 1954, 200 pages, card, $22.50
Kleines Hanbuch der Deutschen Feldpost by Alfred Clement
Handbuch der Briefmarken-Kunde, No. 10-17, 1940's, new modern cloth binding, $42.50
Deutschen Dienstpost by Dr. Hermann Schultz, 1953, 46+ pages, card, $6.50
Die Briefmarken der deutschen Postanstalten im Auslande und der deutschen Schutzgebiete ..... 1914/18 by Dr. med. Eduard Ey, 1960, 237 pages, cloth, copy 84 of 600, $36.50
Handbuch Der Bayerischen Poststempel by Karl Winkler, 1951, 391 pages + fold out of marking types and pocket with listing of offices and maps, cloth, $40.00, sold
Welt-ganzsachen-katalog 1938 by W. Beckhaus, Dr. Krause & Prof. Dr. BaabWorld Catalog of Postal Stationery, 1938, 880 pages, the paper is intact but extremely brittle, the binding is separated, $77.50
Alexander Bungerz Grosses Lexikon der Philatelie, 1. AuflageAn extremely detailed world philatelic dictionary, 1923, 800 pages, VF condition, $65.00
Zumstein Die Briefmarken der Schweiz, Spezial-Katalog und Handbuch uber die Briefmarken der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft , An extremely detailed catalog with 12 color plates, there is some moisture damage but overall it is a quite respectable copy, 1924, 500+ pages, 12 color plates, $95.00, sold
Die Geschichte der Stadt-Brief-Beforderung HAMMONIA in Braunscweigh by Gerhard Paudler, relates to city delivery, 1975, 40 pages some color, card, $12.50
Geschichte des Postweisens in Furstentum Liechtenstein... by Werner Voss, 1929, 42+7 pages, card, $12.50
Poststempel auf der Freimarkenausgabe 1867 Von Osterreich und Aungard teil Ungard by Edwin Muller1930, 1981 reprint, 144 pages, card, $35.00
Briefmarken Catalog 6 Auflange, Deutfchland Spezial=Katalog, Teil I, Altdeutschland Deutsches Reich und Gebiete 1849-1945, Muller1948, 516 pages, cloth, $17.50
Der Schwarze Einser, mit seinen hundert Jahre alten erst jetzt entdeckten interessanten Geheimnissen im Markenbild, a fine detailed study of Bavaria #1, 1949. 92 pages, card, $22.50
Die Alteste Luftpost Der Welt by W. Hofinger, Paris Baloon Post 1870-71, 1957, 114 pages, card, $10.00
600 Falsche Stempel by Willy Wolff, circa 1960, 27 pages, card, $22.50
Bundes-Entschadigungs-Gesetz (Novelle) mit Einfuhrung von Dr. H. G. van Dam
1956, 164 pages, card, $15.00
Katalog über die Katapultpost der Dampfer "Bremen" und "Europa" 1929 - 1935 by Erich Haberer,
Germany The Postal History of the Kingdom of Westphalia Under Napoleon 1807-1814 by Carroll Chase & Henry Meyer Eleven maps, tracings of 76 postmarks, 1958, 47 pages, card, in English, limited stock, $37.50
Die Postkarten Aus Den Ehemaligen Postvereinslandern und dem Deutschen
Kaiserreich 1991, 412 pages, card, sold
Hamburg by D. S. Patton and published by Robson Lowe
1963, 56 pages plus booklet in pocket, cloth, in English, $80.00
The Postal History of German East Africa by K. Pennycuick, edited by Proud
1989, 223 pages, cloth, in English
The Stamps of Germany third Reich by A Harper & W. Scheck, circa 1970, 181 pages, card, in English, $22.50, sold
Die alteste Luftpost der Welt, Historische Studie nach Originaldokumenten der Pariser Ballonpost 1870/71 by Von Wilhelm Hofinger
1957, 114 pages, cloth with dj, $10.00
by Jerry H. Miller
This completely revised new edition of the 1993 published standard reference handbook, catalog and reference for this most interesting collecting area was written by a specialist with over 35 years collecting & research on German postal automation and postmarks with much additional data and information included in this volume. 45-page unified catalog section with early & late usage dates along with rarity factors (rare to common) and postal type usages
2008, 152 Pages, Over 225 Colored Illustrations, English and German Text, cloth, limited edition, $68.00
The Postage Rates of Germany 1906 - 1923 by Diana Manchester, 1991, 36 pages, card, in English, only one copy $15.00
The Offset Berlin Post Office Stamps of 1920 by David W. Barnette, 1998, 26 pages, card, in Englilsh, only one copy $8.50
Russland, Spezial-Sommlung des Barons by Carl von Scharfenberg, 1925, 224 pages, card, VF condition, one copy available, $47.50
As of January 1st, 1991 we are exclusive North American distributor for Peter Feuser Publications.
PFP titles relate to German philately with a strong emphasis on classic postal
history. They consist of both original works and reprints. With minor exceptions they
are all published in the German language.
We offer the PFP books at essentially the same price in the US as in Germany. On
those that we stock the exchange is figured at the rate when stock. For those that we
special order the rate are the current one plus a few percent to cover the exchange.
Our friends in Germany should order direct from the publisher: Peter Feuser Auktionen,
Haussmannstrasse 30, 70188 Stuttgart 1
Please see Germany, under OTHER COUNTRIES, for other books on Germany.
Stocked in the US, prices in $ include postage:
Die Private Stadtpost Stuttgart Biografic und Katalog by Horst Jaedicke
A detailed study of the Stuttgart local posts and the social and economic conditions, a most unusual work, scholarly but also entertaining, serious but also trivia, unfortunately a knowledge of German is necessary for the text, the overall presentation is evident to all.
2000, 373 pages, most illustrations in color, $90.00
Deutsche Postorte 1490-1920 by Günther Hass A detailed listing of Post Towns in the German area arranged alphabetically, many opening and closing dates are given, 2003, cloth, 681 pages, 90e + transit, $137.50
Deutsche Vorphilatelie, Peter Feuser and Werner Münzberg
German Stampless markings to 1875, transit to 1885 for all of Germany,
arranged by city and not by state with most markings illustrated, 13,000
cancellations from 4,300 offices, a new listing of the military 1870/1871,
value in Euro. easy to use for one that does not read German,
Deutsche Vorphilatelie, Katalog der Grenzübergangs by Feuser and Münzberg
German Transit Markings applied in Germany when a cover crossed
the border, 1727-1875; Disinfected Markings, 1814-1846. Introductions in
English, French and German, arranged per above German Stampless,
1991, 118 pages, cloth $50.00
Handbuchder deutschen Privat-Postwertzeichen by Carl Schmidt
Detailed listing of 19th Century German locals, illustrated,
quality reprint of 1939 & 1943, 317 & 527 pages, cloth 75e + transit, $120.00
Nachverwendete Altdeutschland-Stempel, by Peter Feuser
Listing by state of all cancellations of the old German States which appeared
later on stamps of Prussia, the North German Confederation and the first
issues of the German Empire. Most markings are illustrated in full size.
Cancellations are priced for all three periods, etc. Though in German it
is fully illustrated and arranged alphabetically thus a given marking
and it's value can be easily found. A 90 page index makes it easy
to find most markings quickly. A new listing of reused German States
markings used on the German Empire issues has been added
Handbuch Der Neudrucke by Paul Ohrt., reprinted by Peter Feuser
List of reprints and forgeries of stamps and stationery with distinguishing
characteristic for old German States (350 pages), Europe, etc.
Reprint of 1906-1938 books, 670 pages, cloth, $122.50
Die Nummernstempel Der Altdeutschen Staaten by Peter Feuser
Listing of all number cancellations of the old German States. Arranged by
state and numeral, priced on and off cover, for Baden by stamp issue.
1992, 210 pages, cloth, $54.00, sold out
Die Deutschen Hufeisenstempel by Friedrich Spalink
Standard work on German Horse Shoe cancellations, 1864-1880's prices
are given according to the stamp issues via a point system. In German
but easy to use, a significant improvement over the previous edition.
1992, 218 pages, cloth, 4th edition, about 218 pages,35 euro + transit, $54.00
All are superb works, two were selected as one can fully utilize them without a
knowledge of German. The other is on German Locals, it is an extremely useful volume
and the only comprehensive work on the subject, for this book a knowledge of German
would be most useful, one can work it out with a German-English dictionary.
Special order from stocks in Germany, Priced in euro:
We either do not stock the below in the US or have only a copy or two, if not in stock
we will order them from Germany. Your cost will be a direct conversion of the DM prices
to the U.S. dollar plus 2%.
Stationsverzeichnis der Eisenbahnstationen Europas, Herausgegeben von A. Nether
Index of all European Railroad stations excluding England, routes with distances, etc.
1991 reprint of 1929 book, 975 pages, cloth, 150,-DM
500 Jahre Post, Thurn un Taxis by Werner Münzberg
Covers the T & T postal empire from 1490 to 1867, many maps, postal documents
and covers reproduced, illustrated listings of markings, bicolor printing
1990, three volumes, 274, 290 and 277 pages, card, one set only $115.00
500 Jahre Post, Thurn und Taxes by the Fürstliches Marstallmuseum, a useful history of the post and the family, 392 pages, farge format, full color, cloth, evidently issued for the 500 year celebration in 1990, quite attractive, $72.50
Reprints of 3 classic German works,excellent quality, uniformly bound in red
cloth set 225 euro + transit
Franzosische Armeepost/Departements Conquis (2 Volumes) by Albert Reinhardt
Introduction in German and French, pricing in both points and DM.
Both volumes sold as a set 120 euro, $170.00
Bestellbezirke der Grobherz. hessischen Poststellen
Detailed listing of rural post offices and rural carrier routes.
Reprint of 1865 book, 168 pages, card 80,-DM
Verzeichnis Sämtlicher Ortschaften der Provinz Hessen-Nassau etc.
Listing of postal delivery sites and for each its county, country,
court region and post office, prepared for use by postal workers.
Reprint 1889, 270 pages, card 80,-DM
Neues Handbuch De Briefmarkenkunde BERICHTE der Schriftleitung and wissenchaftlichen Mirarbeiter by Hellmuth Kricheldorf, 1953-1956, Nr 1-13, 1957, 232 pages, self cover, $22.50
The Philately of Third Reich, Germany 1933 - 1945
Assundry, German in German
The John R. Boker, Jr , the deluxe set with color illustrations and detailed descriptions
The Köhler catalogs for the Boker Sales in English but no illustrations
Auction Catalogs
Germany, Coloies and States
Scholarly Journals
Handbooks & Catalogs
Die Postwertzeichen und Entwertungen … den Schutzgebieten ….. by Albert Friedemann, 1970, in 4 printed binders, parts 1-17, complete, one set available, $285.00
Ehemalige deutsche Kolonien und Auslandspostamter, 1988, 96 pages, card, $7.50 sold
From Hinrichsen to Krag:
The Experimental and Early Machine Postmarks of Germany (1866 until 1906), Handbook and Catalog
Peter Feuser Publications
The Cities of the World, 1908
Reprint of a German book titled Gottlieb Webersik, Geographisch-Statistisches
Weltlexikon, Similar to Proud's reprint of a 1889 German book but an 1908 edition
and with a bit more information. Lack of knowledge of German is no problem at all.
Unlike the Proud titles the paper, printing and binding are all first rate.
1999 reprint of 1908 book, 960 pages, cloth, 75 euro + transit, $110.00
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