Philatelic Bibliopole

Leonard H. Hartmann

Revenue & Telegraph Stamps

United States Telephone Stamps, Franks, Coupons by William L. Rink, it also contains Covers, Perfins, Postcards, Passes, etc. 2017, 180 pages, full color, press printed, card bound, edition of 200 copies, signed and numbered, $69.95

Telephone Cards, A Collector's Handbook by Steven Hiscocks, 1996, full color, 126 page, card, only one available $62.50

A Centennial Survey of the US Civil War Revenue Stamped Paper Issues, 1865-1883 by Kimber A. Wald , A 125 page article in the 1983 APC book, cloth $25.00

The Revenue Stamped Paper of Mexico 1821-1876 by Donald O. Scott and Frank A. Sternad The second edition, expanded from 367 pages in 2006 to 442 today. For more than two centuries, in the territory we know today as Mexico, documents concerned with the transfer of money, deeds, contracts, bills of exchange, etc. were illegal unless written on paper imprinted with a government authorized tax stamp. 2016, 442 pages, well illustrated, card, $49.00

State Revenue Catalog

edited by Dave Wrisley

A Handbook of Cancels on United States Federal Wine Tax Stamps

by David G Nussmann and Donald A. Woodworth, Jr.

Lists about 1,000 companies whose cancels appear on federal wine tax stamps, also fermented fruit juice tax stamps, the history of many of these companies in given, comprehensive data on rates and usages, a searchable CD which facilitates identification of cancels where only a fragment of information may exist. 2011, 736 pages, cloth, 10 color plates, $105.00

Series of 1941, Wine Revenue Stamps of the USA by Ray W. Bidwell Covers all aspects from the tax regulations through the printing. 1965, 54 pages, card, well illustrated, $25.00, sold out

Boston Revenue Book

A Historical Reference List of the Revenue Stamps of the U.S. including the Private Die Proprietary Stamps by Toppan, Deats and Holland The standard work on U.S. adhesive revenue stamps.

Morton Dean Joyce

  • Collection of Private Die Proprietary Models, Proofs and Stamps, Sept 11-14, 1991 by Andrew Levitt, 512 pages, wire bound, pr, $75.00
  • Collection of United States Revenue Stamps, DFK-589, June 4-6, 1991, $45.00 The Henry Tolman II Collection of US Revenue Stamps

    Michael E. Aldrich revenue auctions, catalogs, 1984-1988, sales no. 21, 23-25 & 28, new condition with prices realized, the lot $85.00

    The Vaquero Collection, Essays and Proofs, RAS, Sale 1158, May 12, 2017, $27.50

    The Hope Collction, US Newspapers & Periodicals, RAS, Sake 249, March 1, 2022, $32.50

    Grant Inman Collection, Complete, RAS Parts 1-7, sales1131, 1135, 1137, 1149, 1160, 1164, 1173, complete $165.00

    Private Die Proprietary Medicine Stamps by George B. Griffenhagen, 1969, 78 pages, card, $12.50

    Match & Medicine Census Book by Michael E. Aldrich A census of the stamps with over 125 illustrations, copies are tabulated by condition, well printed and most usable, enjoyable to read. 1997, 220 pages, cloth, $46.50

    Patent Medicine Tax Stamps by Henry W. Holcombe

    Christopher West, alias Elliott Perry

    The Legendary Persian Rug, Other High-Value Civil War Revenue Stamps, The large and small Persian Rugs by Thomas C. Kingsley The spectacular $200 and $500 stamps and the unissued $5,000 proof, the bi-color 50ยข - $5.00 proprietary stamps. A handsome volume, well printed on quality paper, covers all facets from the printing and distribution through the usages and a survey of the surviving examples. 1993, 152 pages, 145 illustrations, 20 in color, cloth $55.00

    Revenue Unit Columns from The American Philatelist A reprint of the Revenue Unit columns that appeared in the AP from 1928 to 1942 by Beverly King, Justin Bacharach & George Turner 1981, 237 pages, cloth $40.00, sold out

    U.S. Private Die Revenue Stamps, a Look at Design and Execution by Riley 1990, 188 pages, cloth, 21 pages in 1990 APC book $25.00

    A Catalog of U.S. Revenue-Stamped Documents of the Civil War Era by Type and Tax Rate by Michael Mahler A valuable and fun book for the Civil War Collector, quite attractive, pricing pamphlet. 1999, 268 pages, cloth, $65.00, enquire

    The 1996 Specialized Catalog of U.S. Non-pictorial Waterfowl Stamps by David R. Torres All varieties are illustrated, a paragraph to a page on each issue, values for most. To appear toward the end of January, 1996. 1996, 52 pages, card, $7.50

    United States Beer Stamps by Thomas W. Priester The 1990 edition is a wonderful expansion of the catalog listings plus new prices, the story of the stamps, etc. is not repeated from the 1979 book.

    Essays and Proofs of U.S. Internal Revenue Stamps by George Turner 1974, 446 pages, cloth $55.00, sold out

    United States Civil War Revenue Stamp Taxes by Michael Mahler Statutes, Decisions, Rulings and Correspondence on the Documentary and Proprietary Taxes initiated in 1862 to help pay for the Civil War. 1988, 384 pages, 6 plates, cloth $50.00

    Revenue Stamps of the United States 1862-1899 by Roger W. Sargent1942, 136+ pages, deluxe in leather, only one copy available, $75.00

    A Centennial Survey of the U.S. Civil War Revenue Stamped Paper Issues 1865-1883 by Kimber A. Wald An article covering 124 page in the 1983 APC book, a major study. 1983, 196 pages, cloth, $22.50

    History of Oleomargarine Tax Stamps and Licenses in the US by Litchfiled History, catalog of State and Federal licenses and stamps, well done. 1988, 128 pages, 149 illustrations, 19 tables, cloth, edition 1,000, $67.50

    Springer's Handbook of North American Cinderella Stamps A listing of revenue, express and bogus US and Canadian material that does not appear in Scott's. From edition to edition the listings are added and occasionally expanded thus there is repetition within the series. The most complete listings on some topics now spans the 5th through the 10th edition with the previous issues of some interest. Much of the material in the 5th - 9th edition is NOT in the 10th.

    Revenue Stamped Paper

    Field Guide to Revenue Stamped Paper Priced catalog of Civil and Spanish American War documents imprinted with revenue stamps, Scott's RN, ie checks, drafts, stocks, bonds.

    Stamps that Caused the American Revolution, Stamps of the 1765 British Stamp Act for America by Adolph Koeppel An extremely fine study, enjoyable to read, history and philately. 1976, 193 pages, cloth, $35.00, with slight moisture problems $25.00

    US Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper by W. V. Combs Three fascinating books on the much neglected filed of our first tax stamps. A superb study in all respects, excellent history and philately.

    The Combs Catalog of Usages and Varieties of U.S. Embossed Revenue Stamped Paper 1791 - 1817 by W. V. Combs A catalog of the usages with updates for the 1st and 2nd issue. 1992, 100 pages, cloth bound, edition of 475 copes, $27.50

    The Revenue Stamps of North Carolina, including Tax Tags and Related items by Scott Troutman, 2005, 39 pages, well illustrated in color, card, $20.00

    Adhesive Revenue Stamps of Hawaii by Randall E. Burt An excellent coverage of the stamps and their history. 1987, 124 pages, card, edition of 500, out of print


    U.S. Telegraph Stamps and Franks by George Jay Kramer An in-depth study of the twenty six companies which issued stamps and or franks, covers and message forms are also included when applicable. Over five hundred illustrations of which 77 are in full color, edition is limited to 500 copies. 1992, 206 pages cloth, also 38 page pricing guide, edition 500 $55.00

    United States Telegraph Issues by Joseph and Stephen Rich 1947, 76 pages, card, limited stock $22.50

    Stampless Telegraph Cover Catalog by Robert Dalton Harris This major new 150 page listing is contained in Vol 3 of the American Stampless Cover Catalog. Lists and illustrates hundreds of early telegraph covers. The extensively researched text and maps, traces the development of the electric medium, covers and markings from 1845 through 1867, priced. 1993, 336 pages, cloth, out of print

    Indian Telegraphs, 1851 - 1914

    Indian Telegraphs, 1851-1914 by Ilyas Patel and Dhananjay Desai A comprehensive and well researched and organized book, in English covering the history, forms, rates, stamps, receipts, marks and cancellations along with money orders, etc. 100 illustrations & 63 full color illustrations of the stamps. Edition of 450 copies, a good work and well produced for one from India but it is lacking in binding quality. Our copies were sent in bulk and are in excellent shape considering, limited stock 1995, 280 pages, cloth, $130.00


    Catalogue de Timbres = Fiscaux A. Forbin After many years of copy machine versions and annoying 2 up reprints with spiral bindings or worse the fabled 1915 Forbin is now out in a quality reprint, well printed on acid free paper, margins a bit better than the original and in a sturdy Buckram binding.

    Catalogue de Timbres = Fiscaux by A. Forbin The only comprehensive catalog of world revenue adhesives, in French but as it is illustrated and is a catalog it can be easily used by those who do not read the language. The standard work on World Revenues.

    Telegraph and Telephone Stamps of the World by Dr. S. E. R. Hiscocks A priced and annotated catalogue, 66 countries and 3,735 stamps. 1982, 375 pages, 1044 illustrations, card $45.00, sold out

    Bulletin of the Fiscal Philatelic Society, 1908 - 1928 An exceptional work reprinted by the Cinderella Stamp Club of England, covers local posts, revenues, etc. 1980, 340 pages, two volumes published in one, cloth, 16 page index $32.50

    Wartime Revenue Stamps of Cameroun, A Critical Examination by M. P. Bratzel Jr. Covers 1940 - 1945, 8 issues, 50 different stamps and 15 major varieties. A well produced booklet in a limited edition. To see a sample of the fine color work in this book please select Cameroun Illustration but be warned it will be slow to load. 1996, 47+4 pages, 9 pages in excellent color, card, $25.00

    Handbook of Colombian Revenue Stamps by Alan D. Anyon

    Another excellent book by the Colombian Philatelic Research society, 2009, 223 pages, in color, hard bound, sold out

    Cyprus, The Postal Surcharge and Revenue Stamps of Cyprus by Bols 1979, 12 pages, self cover, 27 illustrations $7.50

    Catalogue of Egyptian Revenue Stamps, with Sudanese Revenue & Egyptian Cinderellas by Peter R. Feltus 1982, 236 pages, 4 color plates, cloth with dj, enquire first, $82.50

    Guatemala Postal Use of Its Fiscal Stamps and Fiscal Use of its Postal Stamps by J. C. Andrews 1971, 12 pages, self cover, $5.00

    Joe Ross

    Catalog of Scandinavian Revenue Stamps, Denmark by Paul A. Nelson

    India, Court Fee and Revenue Stamps of the Princely States by Koeppel and Manners

    Smithsonian, United States Deaccessioned, revenue stamps, sold by Matthew Bennett International

    An Introduction to the Revenue Stamps of Mexico, by Michael D. Roberts, Nicholas Follansbee, William Barr and Frank Sternad. More than an introduction, priced catalog and handbook, hundreds of color illustrations. Covers Federal and State issues including Veracruz occupation. The first revised work since the Stevens in 1979. Many new additions but also deletions for material not proven to have existed or were not Federal issues. 2011, 296 pages, cloth, $70.00, sold

    Encyclopedia of British Revenue Stamps by Roger Booth The 3rd and current edition, covers England, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Ireland and the Consular and Foreign Offices. A magnificent work, unfortunately the paper is a bit on the thin side. 1990, 797 pages, housed in special four ring binder, enquire first $175.00

    A Catalogue of the Adhesive Revenue Stamps of the UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands, by R. G. Booth. 1976, 173 pages, card, only one copy $15.00 sold out

    Document Trivia of Great Britain and Ireland, Official and Unofficial Designations on paper and parchment by W. A. Barber and A. F. Brown, 2007, Circular Date Marks, 2007, 34 pages, card, $12.50 The Impressed Duty Stamps of Ireland by W. A. Barber and A. Frank Brown Covers the dies from 1774 through 1921 and the decimalization in 1971. 2004, 2nd edition, the first appeared in 1974, 138 + 30 pages, $30.00

    The Impressed Duty Stamps of Great Britain by Josef Schonfeld, W. A. Barber & A. Frank Brown All embossed non-adhesive of GB but not Ireland, 1998 revision of 1981 edition, 375 + 25 pages, plastic ring binding, a priced listing, $38.00, sold

    The Impressed Duty Stamps of the British Empire by W. A. Barber The embossed non-adhesive fiscal stamps of over 75 areas of the former British Commonwealth from Alderney to Zanzibar. 1998, 164 + 18 pages, card, plastic ring binding, sold out The Impressed Duty Stamps of the British Colonial Empire, Updated Information, by W.A.Barber 2009, 139 pages, plastic spiral binding, $47.50

    The Stamp Duty of Great Britain and Ireland by Samuel B. Frank and Josef Schonfeld

    J. Barefoot Publications

    European Philately by John Barefoot

    British Commonwealth Revenues by J. Barefoot

    Albania & Greece Revenues. J. Barefoot, Illustrated and priced catalog 2002. card, 118 pages, $28.00

    Asia, South East Asia Revenues, J. Barefoot, Illustraded & priced catalog, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, French India, Hong Kong, Indochina, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Labuan, Laos, Macau, Malaya, Manchoukou, Mongolia, Nepal, Neth Indies, N Borneo, Philippines, Port India, Taiwan, and more, 2006. card, 287 pages. $55.00, sold out

    Austria Revenues, J. Barefoot. Illustrated and priced catalog of National and Municipal issues, 2002. card, 140 pages, $42.50

    Baltic State Revenues by J. Barefoot Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Memel, and German WWI & WWII Occupation 1998, 40 pages, card, limited stocki, $32.50

    Benelux Revenues. J. Barefoot, Illustrated and priced catalog, Belgium, Belgian Congo, Luxembourg, Netherland, Netherlands Colonies, and Indonesia., 2007, 2nd edition. card. 122 pages, $35.50

    War Tax Stamps of the British Empire First World War, The West Indies by John G. M. Davis 2009, by the RPSL, 400+12 pages, cloth with dj, $115.00 Bulgaria & Romania Revenues, Barefoot, John & Valentin Robu. Illustrated and priced catalog, 2003, card. 138 pages, $27.50

    Czechoslovakia Revenue by J. Barefoot 2001, 55 pages, card, $25.00

    Hungary Revenues by J. Barefoot, 2007, 3rd edition, 120 pages, card, $32.50

    Poland Revenues by J. Barefoot 1998, 132 pages, card, sold out

    Russia Revenues, J. Barefoot, Illustrated and priced catalog, Imperial and Soviet Russia, Provisionals, Municipals, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tuva, and Ukraine. Two color plates, index in English and Russian, 2004, 1st edition. card. 108 pages $30.00

    Yugoslavia Revenues, J. Barefoot. Illustrated and priced catalog of Bosnia, Croatia, Dalmatia, D.D.S.G., Fiume, Hungary Military Border, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Trieste, and Yugoslavia, including municipals, 2003. card. 132 pages, $25.00, sold out

    Unificato, Catalog of Italian Revenue Stamps, Unificato Marche Da Bollo, Catalogazione quotazione delle, Italia - Colonie e Occupazioni, San Marino, Vaticano, 2009/11 edition, In Italian but fully illustrated and the listings are evident, seals as early as 1750 and stamps to date are listed, 375 pages, full color, in Italian, 375 pages, $72.00

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