We deal from stock, we do not drop ship or hold auctions and expect to ship stock items by return mail. Some items have a designation of limited stock or only one copy available indicating they may not always be available. Books without these restrictions are our stock titles, they are either in-print books or out-of-print ones that we feel we have enough to meet normal demand. Listings that do not have a price are intended as reference and represent books that we probably do not have in stock. On all items it is always best to e-mail to enquire on the availability.
It is a changing world, a title that has been in stock for years can
go out of print or suddenly become popular, costly and difficult or impossible to obtain. The INTERNET edition of out catalog gives us the ability to make frequent updates.
Books listed under ASSUNDRY are those that we have only one or two copies, they may be new or used.
On in-print titles we normally charge the published price. In recent years publishers have been frequently increasing prices and charging separately for postage and packaging. We normally honor the web prices as listed on the day of order, please confirm by e-mail, however we must reserve the right to make changes without notice.
Unless noted otherwise every item in this catalog is in at least VF condition with most being NEW. On new titles we examine every copy and return those that do not meet our standards to the publishers. On used books we are fortunate in that most copies come direct from serious collectors and are usually in excellent condition. We normally decline used books with problems.
We can not list everything in our catalog. For the INTERNET edition we frequently add to the NEW TITLE and to expand the ASSUNDRY listings. New titles are always coming out and we are constantly buying complete libraries in addition to single volumes. New books are stocked from over 100 publishers and automatically receive all titles from a number of them, we often have books in stock before the reviews are out.
Please send us your want list, the want lists get first refusal on out of print material and immediate shipment on new titles.
Our On Line Catalog is updated almost every day, especially the NEW and RECENT BOOK section and the ASSUNDRY listing. If all of the web files are printed out it is over 1,000 pages.
Our E-Mail newsletter is sent every 2-4 weeks, just drop us a line to get on the list but PLEASE if you are no longer interested advise so we can drop you.
Please note, on the opening page http://www.pbbooks.com there is a search engine at the bottom of the page. It is best to search for only one unique word such as an author's last name, country, part of a book title.
Our last annual Printed Stock Catalog is No. 26 and appeared in January, 2003. It ran 144 pages. We also sent updates every 3-4 weeks but unfortunately this is no longer economically possible.
We consider our files, the e-mail list and the identity of those visiting our web site to be confidential and will not give out a name, address or phone number unless the party makes this information freely available. We see no reason to decline to give an address if it appears in every issue of Linn's or the AP!
We also consider your INTERNET access to be a private issue and do not distribute your e-mail address or send unsolicited mailings. We do have an e-mail newsletter but we will drop anyone immediately upon request.